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11 Ways To Be An Interesting Woman | How To Be More Interesting

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It’s easier to impact this world if people are interested in what you do. But how can you be more interesting?

Here are 11 tips that will make you a more interesting woman. 

Read also: 15 Ways To Become A Sophisticated Woman – Tips for Modern Women

Read also: 11 Little Things That Show People You Are An Intelligent Woman

1. Ask questions

It doesn’t make you very interesting when you only talk about yourself. 

But, paradoxically, you appear more interesting by being very interested in the person in front of you and the world around you.

Caring about the story of someone else will make them feel good, and eventually, they will wonder who you are. 

2. Don’t just consume mainstream content

Have you ever come across a YouTube channel with very few subscribers and felt a bit turned off by it?

Or how about that one book that looks interesting but has suspiciously few reviews on Goodreads. 

The chances are high that the masses recommend things that are truly worth your time and effort. 

However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t find some golden content that is less popular.

There are a lot of hidden gems out there that you’ll miss out on if you only follow mainstream recommendations. 

As an interesting woman, you should consume niche content because it gives you insights and things to talk about that most people don’t have.

“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.”

– Haruki Murakami

3. Don’t just strive for accomplishments but for experiences

Sure, we are fascinated by people with the car, the house, the shiny brands, the big paycheck, the promotion, etc. 

But following that initial fascination are all the questions about the person’s experiences with these accomplishments. 

  • How did that guy make so much money?
  • What is it like being able to jet-set around the world?
  • How many interesting people did she meet through her job?
  • Where did she start her journey?

In the end, we always care more about the stories behind the initial coolness of someone’s accomplishments. 

We don’t care so much about a raw list of places someone has visited. Instead, we want to know what they experienced there. 

So, start to care more about having interesting experiences than flashy goals. 

4. Be passionate

Passion is like a magnet for humans, and we always feel awed and drawn to passionate people. 

But how can you be more passionate in life? It’s not just a switch you can turn on or off. 

It’s a mindset. It’s allowing yourself to do things you actually like even if they don’t seem particularly useful. 

And with the things you don’t feel passionate about, you should try to feel the excitement.

You might be surprised how excited you can be about seemingly mundane tasks if you look for the good in them.

The more you try to find things to be excited about, the easier it will get. 

5. Stay up to date in more than just politics

Have you met those people with whom every conversation somehow leads to what currently is going on in politics? 

Of course, it is relatively important to stay up to date with politics. But there is so much more out there to talk about.

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6. Overcome obstacles with grace and ease

Nobody likes a constant complainer. In fact, even complainers don’t like it if anybody but themselves complain too much about things. 

By contrast, there is just something fascinating about people who manage to tackle any obstacle life throws at them with grace and ease.

7. Have a vision for your future

There is something very inspiring about people who have a clear vision for their future and are driven to achieve it. 

We want to know what that vision is and why they are so ambitious about it. 

If you want to be more interesting, you should have goals for your future and pursue them unapologetically and passionately.

8. Be private

Humans always want what they can’t have. 

If someone is very private and doesn’t share much beyond the superficial information, it creates mystery around them, and people want to learn more. 

But be careful! This can also work against you. 

If you are unsocial and too private, people will want to stay away from you and perceive you as standoffish.

So be kind, friendly, and moderately social, but don’t let everyone know what you do at every minute of the day. 

9. Gain power

It seems to be a universal rule that people in power are always a focal point of society. 

We are curious about how they got that power and the kind of person behind the curtains. 

Powerful people automatically seem interesting to us. 

Of course, gaining power is not something you can do overnight. But you can decide throughout your life to do things that will earn you more authority in the long run. 

For example, you could run for the student council or get a part-time job with your professor. 

You can also gain power more quickly by asking for that promotion or switching your job instead of just waiting for others to notice you. 

10. Allow yourself to be authentic and strange

We all have our quirks and weirdness. As vulnerable as it can feel to show this openly, it is exactly what makes you more interesting. 

Authenticity is fascinating because it indicates the dauntlessness and honesty that many people wish to embody themselves. 

If you want to be more interesting, be unapologetically yourself. 

11. Be knowledgeable about multiple different topics

People like to put you into a box. 

Not to intentionally limit you, but because we like order, it makes things more predictable.

So when we meet someone who gushes all about the games they play during their free time, we think, ‘alright, they are a gamer.‘ 

If they talk a lot about horses, we put them into the ‘equestrian enthusiast‘ box. 

A great way to be an interesting woman is by defying these orderly expectations. 

As soon as you show people that you are more than just a one-trick-show-pony, they become interested and start wondering what more they don’t know about you. 

Do you have any more ideas on how to be an interesting woman? What makes people interesting to you?

We’re looking forward to reading your comments!

Until next time, Felicity Seeker!

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