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By now, you probably know that your mindset is the most significant component that contributes to your success. Therefore we should ask ourselves what the mindsets of successful women are.
What exactly are they doing, or instead, how are they thinking differently than other “ordinary” people to make them stand out that much?
You will come across the repeating mindset patterns if you spend time consuming content on personal development and entrepreneurship.
In this list, I have compiled some of these mindsets I have noticed repeatedly.
Since I am always learning more, you might want to check out 7 Mindset Changes You Need To Make In 2020.
It contains some additional mindset shifts you should consider working on.
But now, let’s get into it!
1. She welcomes failure
One of the most significant differences in mindset between successful women and ordinary people is her attitude towards failure.
Most people hate failure. They try to avoid it at all costs and beat themselves up endlessly whenever it happens.
Therefore they tend to develop a fear of learning anything new. Because no matter what skill you are trying to learn – be it a language, dancing, writing, building a business – in the beginning, you are going to suck at it.
But that’s the most natural thing. After all, when a child learns to walk, it’s going to fall a few times. When a child learns to speak, it won’t articulate every word correctly.
And we don’t expect the child to be perfect at its first try. We are excited about every attempt it takes and we look at the failures along the way lightheartedly.
Yet, for some reason, as we grow older, we loath that beginning phase of failing and learning.
A Boss Lady keeps reminding herself that this is the natural beginning of every great skill.
There is no mastery without failure first. Partly because failure teaches us so much more than succeeding ever will.
Each failure is like a signpost on the road to success, telling us we are getting closer because we are learning.
So frustrating as failures might be, a Boss Lady doesn’t get discouraged by them. Instead, she gets excited because it means she is growing and that success is getting nearer.

2. She knows the world is abundant
Ah yes, the abundance mindset. It certainly deserves its place in every mindset list, doesn’t it?
Successful women don’t have an abundant mindset in the sense that they go out and spend money frivolously because “hey, money is ample.”
If you want to, you can turn every mindset upside down and make it into something harmful.
But a girl boss uses it to ease her mind and act with confidence and faith.
Whenever she starts to feel like there is not enough, she reminds herself that there IS enough for her to get a slice as well.
Once you believe that there are infinite money, opportunities, ideas, friends, soulmates, good times, etc. out there, you will act very differently in life.
You will stop living in constant anxiety and instead start to passionately try to tap into these infinite resources.
Just because there is more than enough money out there for you, it doesn’t mean you can waste it and magically attract more to lose.
It means that as long as you work towards earning money, you don’t have to worry about not being able to make anything.
Maybe the specific tactics you use to earn money stop working. But you can be confident in the knowledge that there are always other ways available for you to make more money.
So dare to think abundant, but don’t try to challenge the abundance of the universe by foolish behavior.
3. She knows that she doesn’t know everything
I wish this mindset was more common in our world. But for some reason, humans seem to fall easily into being a know-it-all.
Maybe that was even true in our hunter-gather past as there wasn’t that much to know. But in our current informational age, it seems almost ludicrous to think you could ever know everything on even one topic.
How could you, when seemingly every day some new information are discovered or innovations made.
But that is also the beauty in today’s world. You don’t have to know it all because you can collaborate with others, who fill in your lack of knowledge.
Still, it is, of course, beneficial for everyone to keep learning new things. The word doesn’t stop moving after all, and you will be left behind if you keep doing what you’ve always done.
That is why a Boss Lady is always open to learning something new. Be it by teaching herself or learning from experts (who she is aware also can’t know it all).
She is a student for life.
4. She knows that if she puts in the work, she can accomplish anything
Successful women shoot for the stars. They see what others can accomplish and know that these people have started out as someone like herself as well. So why, shouldn’t she be able to follow their lead?
It all depends on her own hard work and persistence. So she makes a plan and starts working until she has reached her destination!
5. But she knows she might not be able to accomplish everything at the same time
At the same time, successful women are aware that they can’t accomplish everything at once.
Working on multiple big projects at once means splitting her time and effort. And some things simply need your full attention.
Look at Arnold Schwarzenegger, for example. He has been a bodybuilder, an actor, and a governor. Yet, he, of course, didn’t claim all those titles within a year or so. He succeeded at one after the other, always focusing his efforts at that next goal.
So dare to dream big!
You can be a six-figure entrepreneur of multiple businesses, a bestselling author, an investor, and so much more during your lifetime.
But you have to work on one goal first and only move on to the second once the former one has been sufficiently accomplished.
6. She dares to be rationally optimistic
We, humans, tend to be pessimistic by nature. We are always looking for and pointing out what’s wrong instead of what’s good.
You only need to take a look at the current headlines of any news channel. No matter at which day you are going to look, they will always sound rather pessimistic.
And in some way, we can’t be surprised by that tendency. After all, our hunter-gatherer ancestors needed to be continually looking out for possible dangers.
There was hardly any time for dwelling in gratitude and optimism.
Fortunately, today no sabertooth tigers are lurking around the corner when we go to buy our groceries.
Still, people like to predict the impending doom of our society. Whether it is by forecasting recessions, pandemics, wars, global warming, overpopulation, nuclear accidents, etc.
I have just finished reading the Rational Optimist, which you can also find on my Reading List for Personal Growth. In it, the author uses facts and history to make time and time again a compelling point for a bright future.
I always find it funny to look back at history and see all these doom predictions that didn’t occur. For example, back in the 90s, everyone was terribly afraid of the crash of all computers at New Year’s of 2000.
It didn’t happen, of course. The computers were very well able to deal with the millennia change.
If you are interested in more of these faulty predictions, you should read the Rational Optimist.
Anyway, successful women are not naive. They are aware of the possible dangers that might come, and they do prepare for it.
However! They also acknowledge the facts that they point out a positive future. Therefore they don’t fall into a damaging hysteria but rather keep on creating a great life.
Meaning, they would never stop donating to Africa because they fear if the continent with it’s massive populations starts to grow wealthy, the planet won’t be able to support that, for example.
Instead, they analyze all the facts available to them, good as well as bad, and take massive action to guarantee that Africans can be wealthy without pushing humanity into collective poverty again.
That might mean supporting African startups that can prevent future problems instead of charities that only solve the current issues.
I guess what I want to bring across is this: Dare to be rationally optimistic! Dare to believe that we are not doomed but that things are going to get better. And then ask yourself how you can contribute to making them better.
7. She always gives, gives, gives before she receives
Successful women know that they will inevitably get something back if they give unconditionally and with the intent to help.
That’s why a girl boss puts a lot of effort into giving as much as she can to the people around her.
As an entrepreneur, she doesn’t try to rip them off. Instead, she makes an effort to always overdeliver on what they expect to get for their time or money.
Of course, this proves a bit challenging at the beginning of one’s journey when you are still very keen on earning money to make a full income.
Later on, when you already have your basic monetary needs met, this will be easier.
Still, try to adopt a mindset of giving. Always ask yourself how you can put just one more bonus on top of it.
If you do that, you will build great trust, whether it be with your customers or personal relationships.
8. She knows that being feminine and a woman isn’t weak
A Boss Lady knows that being a woman and a feminine one at that doesn’t make her weak.
She can accomplish just as much as any man can if she puts in the work.
At the same time, she also recognizes that being a woman doesn’t make her better than men.
A Boss Babe doesn’t engage in men bashing. She knows that every gender has its own strength innate. There isn’t one that’s more superior than the other.
They are equally as powerful but differently, and that’s the beauty of it.
Therefore successful women don’t feel the need to prove themselves equal to men. They don’t try to act all tough and independent, and “I don’t need a man in my life”-like.
A Boss Babe is merely working on being the best version of herself. Whether that means being an extremely girly woman or being a badass and fiery woman.
She is aware that as long as she acts in alignment with her nature, she is powerful. And that nature can be masculine, by the way. Again, there is no universal right or wrong. Everyone has to discover their own character.
Read more: 10 Ways To Tune Into Your Feminine Energy
9. She recognizes the power in collaboration and specialization
Successful women don’t try to do it all on their own. They take advantage of the power in collaboration and specialization.
Only through specialization did our society create so many incredible investors and is continuously raising its living standards.
Yes, common knowledge on broad topics is excellent and can help you in many aspects of life.
But it pays very well to deeply specialize on one or a few topics.
So, if you need help with something and there is the chance to ask an expert for advice or even let him do it for you, take advantage of that!
Don’t be too proud and stubborn. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Don’t try to be self-sufficient; after all, nobody in today’s world truly is.
Collaborate with others and create amazing things together that all of you will benefit from.
10. She dares to be unique/crazy instead of fitting in
This one should be almost common knowledge nowadays. It pays much more to be unique in life.
After all, think of a few famous people you know or look up to. Are they ordinary, or do they have their quirks that make them stand out?
Or think of your past classmates. Who do you remember most? Probably students that stood out for one reason or the other.
If you dare to be authentically yourself, flaws included, people will be able to connect with that. Because they have flaws as well.
Sure, there may be some quirky aspects of you that some people can’t stand.
But in all honesty, isn’t it much better to have fewer raving fans and honest friends that love you for who you are. Then having to hold yourself back and be more or less liked by a ton of people?
I know I’d choose the former.
Read also: 16 Habits Of Successful Women
Read also: 9 Mindsets That Are Keeping You Poor
I hope some of these mindsets inspired you to make a change in your own thinking.
Comment down below, if you have noticed another mindset of successful women.
Until next time!