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Don’t we just all love these girl boss, boss babe, or boss lady vibes? There is just something very inspiring and motivating about seeing a boss lady rocking her life. Well, today you will take the first step of your Boss Lady Glow Up!!!
It’s time to step into your full potential. You becoming a boss babe is not just going to elevate your experience of life.
No, the world literally NEEDS you to be your highest girl boss self! Because the happier, smarter, more empowered, and successful you are, the more good things you can give back to others.
You have the potential to change millions of lives for the better. But to do so, you need to step into the best version of yourself.
Now, you might be thinking: “Wow, girl … slow down! Why the hell are you talking about changing people’s life??? I’m just here for styling tips …”
If that’s you, I’m sorry, but you are going to be disappointed and might as well leave straight away.
There won’t be much appearance-wise boss lady glow up ideas in this list.
Because frankly, I couldn’t care less if you can look like a boss lady on your Instagram feed.
I want you to become a Boss Lady in real life! And your appearance plays only one of many parts in that.
So buckle up, ladies, and get ready to discover 33 Boss Lady Glow Up Ideas!
Mindset + Emotional Glow Up
Let’s start with arguably the most essential aspect of life: Your mindset and emotions.
1. Start a gratitude journal
The first thing you should focus on is gratitude. Gratitude can erase any negative emotion. But it needs to be practiced.
The more you focus on the things you can be grateful for, the more things you will effortlessly find yourself being thankful for.
And whenever fear, anger, anxiety, stress, or worries arise, all you have to do is focusing on that emotion of gratitude. Because it simply can’t coexist with toxic emotions.
And to be able to tap into that state of gratitude more quickly, you should start a gratitude journal.
From today on, write down three things you are grateful for each day and try to find new ones daily.
You don’t even need a real journal for that, simply open up a notes app on your phone and find some quiet place for a few minutes.
2. Practice faith
I know this is not everyone’s jam, and I myself haven’t been spiritual or religious for the vast majority of my life.
But a few years ago, I stumbled over the law of attraction, and I liked the principles it is teaching.
And while I was trying to raise my vibrations, I also kept looking out for signs from the universe.
And if you are receptive to them, you will find them. And keeping that look out for angel numbers and synchronicities paired with gratitude is growing my faith.

It doesn’t really matter what you have faith in or how you name it. If you want, you can have faith in your intuition or your gut instinct to lead you in the right direction.
But I am increasingly convinced that faith in something that creates a very much needed calmness and sense of security in a person.
So try to find something you feel good about having faith in and work on that.
3. Ease Guilt and Regret
Guilt and regret are ugly emotions that can suck all joy out of life. If not resolved, they manage to cling to you for years, if not decades.
Yet the past is the past, and there is no sense in fretting on it. So to fully embrace the now, you need to ease those toxic feelings.
A life coach or specific practices can help you with that.
4. Ease your worries
Talking about joy sucking emotions, worry is definitely among them.
Most people nowadays seemingly always worry about something, be it their finances, their job, their relationships, their appointments you name it.
What are your current worries?
Write them down.
Now, analyze them. Are they really something you should worry about? Will your worry about them be able to change anything, or is a positive mindset going to be more beneficial?
If you can influence the thing that worries you, make an action plan, and decisively follow through with it.
Life is way too precious to worry longer than necessary about irrelevant things.
5. Increase your confidence
Ah confidence, what an incredible boost for any kind of success in life. If you are confident, life just becomes so much easier, and you take action much more decisively.
So, how confident are you?
What are your self-esteem pain points?
What do you feel insecure about?
Brainstorm and journal about these pain points.
Are you insecure about your appearance? Your style? The way you walk? The way you express yourself? Do you feel self-conscious about your drawing or dancing skills? Your grades in school/uni? Your job?
Find as many of your insecurities as possible, no matter how idiotic they may seem.
With some of these insecurities, you might be waiting to find your significant other so he/she can erase them for you.
But darling, that’s not his/her job! It’s YOURS.
Only you can overcome your insecurities. If you don’t feel insecure because someone else gives you a confidence boost, it doesn’t mean these insecurities are gone. They are just buried under that confidence boost for the time being.
Also, it is simply not fair to burden your partner with the expectation that he/she has to make you more confident. You should want to be your best self for him/her so that you can give your all in this relationship.
So don’t wait for a prince charming to come around and save you from your insecurities!
First, you need to get clear on what they are, and then you should create a plan to get over them, each at a time.
Maybe you tackle one insecurity each month or if they are bigger, one each year.
Just do something about them! You will have a true Boss Lady Glow Up if you stop accepting them as a permanent part of your life and decide to get rid of them.
Read also: 12 Powerful Ways To Be Confident
6. What makes you happy?
If I’d ask you what makes you happy, could you answer me confidently?
A Boss Lady knows what lights her up. She knows where her passions lie and what activities make her loose track of time.
And that knowledge is powerful! If you know what makes you happy, you can consciously do more of it.
Can you imagine the Boss Lady Glow Up you’d experience if you do at least one thing a day that makes you feel utterly and entirely happy?
How would your experience of life change? How would it affect your motivation and energy to go about your day?
I know it can be challenging to find your passions. I know I struggled with that when I started building a business because, ideally, it should revolve around something I am passionate about.
I don’t believe you can forcefully discover a passion of yours. If you can’t think of one, simply keep looking. Sooner or later, you will notice it.
So don’t despair if you can’t think of something immediately. Just keep looking. And maybe try to look in areas of your life that are not so obvious. Ask yourself, what makes you lose track of time?
Whatever you come up with, try to incorporate an hour or so of it into your day. Intentionally block out time for it. Perhaps at the end of your day so you have something to look forward to.
7. Find some new inspirations and incorporate them into your day.
Ah, what a beautiful state it is to be inspired. Suddenly we have all that energy and come up with brilliant ideas out of nowhere.
Sometimes that inspired state can last for multiple days and sometimes for just a few hours.
Regardless of how powerful the inspiration is, I genuinely believe we all need it to awaken the best boss babe version of ourselves.
That’s why you should get some new and possibly inspiring input regularly, if not daily.
Incorporate Podcasts, inspirational YouTube videos, books, blog posts, or whatnot into your routine.
But a word of warning! Avoid incorporating them before phases of concentration. Because once inspiration strikes, it will be hard to focus on anything else.
And if you can’t fully embrace your inspired state because of other obligations, it will sadly be wasted. And that is truly a tragedy!
Career + School Glow Up
Another significant part of our life that some people even put way too much focus on is your career or your educational path leading towards it.
School and work take up a large part of our life. If you work 8 hours a day, that’s 1/3 of your day! And that 5 days a week for 40-50 years of your life.
Naturally, this area of your life definitely should be part of a Boss Lady Glow Up!
But what can you do?
8. Sort out your mess
First things first, get your shit together!
I’m sure you have some loose papers lying around, or maybe some of your pens are empty, and you should get a new one.
Maybe your files on your laptop or tablet need sorting or deleting.
Whatever your mess is, sort it out.
9. Evaluate your past performance and analyze problems
So, how have you been doing in school/college/uni or at work/in your business over the last year?
What were your successes and losses?
What are you struggling with currently?
10. Plan your next action steps
Goals in life are essential. You need to know where you want to go to get there as smoothly and quickly as possible.
So, what is your next goal work/school wise?
Is it rocking that math exam? Graduating with a good average? Getting into that university? Getting promoted?
Define your goal and then create an action plan to get there.
Maybe that consists out of writing applications for jobs or colleges. Or do some research on which college fits you best.
Perhaps you need to upgrade our study routine. If you’ve been studying a lot but not getting the results, you have to change the strategy. So do some research and try out new study methods.
Financial Glow Up
The next area of life most of us need a boss lady glow up in is our finances.
If you are a fellow Felicity Seeker, you are currently working on becoming financially free, so this is a very interesting topic for you.
11. Make a budget
First things first, let’s take an inventory.
- How much money do you actually have?
- On what are you spending your money on?
- Is that necessary?
- How much will you have to spend within the next year?
- How much money are you making?
- How safe are your source(s) of income?
To sum it up, what is your financial situation like? If you answer all of these questions, you know much more about your finances than most people ever know about theirs.
Also, you won’t be surprised by the payments that are going to have to be made within the next year, which erases quite a bit of stress and anxiety.
12. Automate savings
Alright, the next step is to start saving money. Many people recommend having savings worth 6 months of living expenses.
That way, you won’t have to freak out when you lose your job, or something else happens to your source of income. It gives you enough time to create or find a new source of income.
Now, if you are a student like me without a real income yet, you won’t be able to save much.
Still, I automated my bank account to transfer 5 € a month to my savings account. Not much, sure, but at least something.
And once I earn more, the amount I save will also grow.
13. Automate donations
The same goes for the contributions you want to make. I, for example, have automated monthly donations of 5 € to a charity of my choice.
Again, not incredibly much, but it is a start I am eager to build upon.
Another possibility is to join programs that automatically round up your credit card payments and donate the difference to a charity.
So if you buy something for 9,50€ for example, 50 ct. will automatically be donated.
I love that concept! It’s just so effortless yet effective.
14. Start working on creating another stream of income
It’s always nice to have more money and more secure forms of income. That’s why a Boss Lady likes to have multiple streams of income.
Are you currently working on creating a new one? If not, I highly encourage you to do so. There are truly endless options out there for you to earn more money.
Whether it is through a Blog, a Kindle Publishing Business, or through a creative DIY Etsy store, whatever you choose if you stay committed and keep working on it, chances are you will be able to see money coming in within 1-2 years, maybe even less depending on your skills.
Read also: 9 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Business
Relationship – Boss Lady Glow Up
15. Define your inner circle
Do you know who your closest friends and family members are? Who truly understands you? To whom would you go when sh#t hits the fan?
Knowing your inner circle is crucial because it enables you to spend more time with them instead of people that simply don’t matter as much to you.
16. Plan activities with them
Once you know your inner circle, plan out some activities, or meetups with them.
In the hectic of daily life, going out with friends quickly get’s neglected. Especially if you are an introvert. After all, it’s just so comfortable to stay at home. Trust me, I know.
To overcome this, talk to your friends and dedicate yourself to meeting at least once a month/every two weeks/every week.
If you all commit to it, you can hold each other accountable. Suddenly, it will become much easier to meet up regularly and create new memories.
17. Define toxic people and take measures
On the other side of the coin, you should also know who the toxic people are in your life.
We all have them, and many of us spend way to much time with them. Sometimes because they are family members and we can’t just cut them out of our lives entirely.
But once you have picked out the people that simply do not make you happy, you can at least reduce the time you spend with them or prepare yourself mentally for their toxicity and put up a wall.
It’s not easy, but the least you can do is to prepare yourself.
18. Get clear on what your ideal partner should be like
Another relationship you should invest some thoughts in is your romantic one.
Especially if you are not currently in a relationship, it is a good idea to get clear on what your significant other should be like.
And I don’t mean stuff like “funny, abs, nice butt, fluffy hair.” Those are just superficial.
I want you to dig really deep and think about the core values and the vision for life your partner should have.
Let me give you some example of what I mean by this:
Imagine you are very athletic and you love to stay healthy and move your body regularly. In the long run, your will most likely clash with a partner that is the definition of a couch potato and has no interest whatsoever in keeping himself/herself healthy.
Or if you’d love to travel the world and be in a new place every month, but your partner just wants to stay in his/her corporate job and the city he/she grew up in.
Or you see yourself with tons of kids running around your big garden, but your partner doesn’t want kids or a house with a garden.
I think you get the point.
This is not about being super picky and having unreachable high standards. It’s about being realistic and thinking long term.
If you keep each other from living your dream life, you will only end up resenting one another, and that would be a real tragedy.
19. Ask yourself if he/she would be attracted to you? Work on yourself to level up to his/her level.
Now that you know what your ideal partner is like, you should ask yourself: Would someone like that be attracted to someone like you?
And again, I am not talking about your appearance (although general hygiene would surely help).
Let’s say you want someone kind and generous. Someone like that probably wouldn’t be attracted to someone with a lack mindset who clings to every penny they have and doesn’t donate a thing.
So basically, you are trying to step into your ideal partner’s shoes and answer the “what is your ideal partner like” question out of their perspective.
And once you have your answer, you can work on becoming that person. And most likely this will be the best version of you anyway, but now you have additional motivation to pursue that
Health Glow Up
A Boss Lady knows how precious life is, and she wants to make the most out of it. Therefore she makes an effort to be as healthy as possible. And that’s why you need a health boss lady glow up!
20. Analyze health issues
To do that, your first Boss Lady Glow Up task should be to analyze any potential health issues you might suffer from.
And with that, I mainly mean those seemingly little ones you have resigned yourself to live with.
This could be acne, menstrual pain, insomnia, dandruff, or anything else you can think of.
21. Take action on them
Once you know about the health issues you have, you need to decide to take action on them!
Again, don’t tackle all at once, as it will overwhelm you. Decide on the most bothersome of the issues and start to inform yourself on it.
Although you should always treat doctor Google carefully, I do believe it can be helpful to do some in-depth research in addition to doctors’ appointments.
22. Stand more
Our society is sitting waaaaayyyyy too much!
Sitting is not a natural body posture. Our bodies were built to remain standing for the majority of the time.
Yet because we all work a ton at our desks, we tend to spend the vast majority of our day sitting and then about one-third of it sleeping.
One way to stand more is to get yourself a desk that can be elevated into a height that makes it possible to work while standing.
But those can be expensive. So if you are like me and don’t want to spend that money at the moment, you can improvise.
I, for example, like to put my laptop on top of my commode to work standing for a while.
And I have dedicated the time I take for studying flashcards to a time I spend standing or walking around my room/the house.
In the beginning, you will want to sit down very often because you are simply used to it. But slowly but surely it will get better.
23. Stay hydrated
This one is a no brainer, and you’ve probably expected it on this list. But yeah, you should stay hydrated.
24. Devise a workout plan
And another no brainer. Of course, you should move your body regularly.
To really stick to a routine, I’d recommend you to create a fluent workout plan. Meaning, stick to the same workout time every day. Otherwise, you will forget about it during the business of daily life.
Also, if you like to use workout videos as I do, stick to the same source. You don’t want to browse through YouTube for half an hour before finally deciding on a workout you’d like to do.
A simple and fun way to do that is to follow workout challenges like the ones Blogilates, Chloe Ting, or the Tone It App create.
Alright, so that is the planning part of your workout routine. Now, I have recently tried to make my routine more fluent.
Meaning, although I know the source of my workout videos, I allow myself to choose the specific video based on my mood of the day.
Sometimes that also means to be gentle with me. On days when I really don’t feel like working out – e. g. I have a headache, and I know I have been working out the past few days – I ditch the workout for a gentle Yoga with Adriene session.
And on days where I have early appointments or lectures and can’t squeeze in my workout at its usual time in the morning, I tend to also go easy on myself and don’t force myself to do the exercise in the afternoon, if I don’t feel like it.
This fluent workout routine has me most weeks working out 5 times a week and doing yoga and stretching on one day each.
If I were a hardcore drill sergeant, I doubt I would keep up with my workouts.
That’s why I encourage you to make this routine truly yours. Listen to your intuition and your feelings. If you are not feeling well, be gentle with yourself.
In the beginning, you might need to be more strict with yourself until you have made working out a habit, but in the long run, I recommend a fluent workout routine.
Try it out. It is truly amazing what an impact fitness makes on your overall Boss Lady Glow Up.
25. Become conscious of the chemicals you put in/on your body
This is something I’ve recently been working on. Nowadays, I guess we all know that we are putting a ton of chemicals and microplastics into our bodies through the foot and the cosmetics we consume.
However, it seems utterly overwhelming to improve that as there are so many products you’d need to find an alternative to.
Therefore, I feel like many of us simply give up and stick to our regular consuming habits.
But, it doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t have to throw out all of your cosmetics overnight and become toxin-free within a week.
Why not try to swap out your regular products for healthier ones, one at the time. The next time you have to get a new shampoo, use an app like Think Dirty or CodeChecker to scan a few products and pick the healthiest one.
Of course, those apps aren’t perfect either, and they might be biased towards certain brands. Still, it is better then not trying at all.
Try it out for yourself. Some of the healthier products are even cheaper than your original product.
And don’t be fooled into thinking you need to order healthy products like those online. I was surprised to find my local supermarket to have tons of choices available.
Appearance – Boss Lady Glow Up
And lastly, the category you might have been hoping for when clicking on this blog post.
I wanted to include this here because despite being superficial, your appearance can also lift you up or bring you down significantly depending on how happy you are with it.
So, here are a few tips on how to glow up in this area of your life.
26. Clean out your wardrobe konmari style
First things first, you should clean out your wardrobe.
Does this sound familiar? You are standing in front of your closet completely frustrated and maybe even close to tears because you have nothing to wear despite every inch of it being crammed?
Well, this is why you need a cleanout and a konmari one at that! This means you get everything out of your wardrobe and throw it on the floor or your bed in a huge pile.
Then you hold up every piece separately and ask yourself if this ignites joy in you.
Sounds cringy, yes, but ideally, you should want to be excited about wearing a piece of clothing. And if you can’t decide on anything to wear, chances are you don’t really like your clothes.
So might as well get rid of them. And ideally in the form of donations.
If you want to go more in-depth into this konmari technique, you should read The life-changing magic of tidying up. I’ve also listed it in my Reading List for Personal Growth.
27. Find style mentors
Now that you’ve gotten rid of a ton of stuff you don’t even wear, it’s time to learn how to buy clothes that genuinely excite you.
And the first step for this is to find at least one style mentor.
Scroll through Instagram or Pinterest to find someone whose style excites you. Ideally, they even have the same body type.
For me, one of those inspirations has been the petite Mira Duma or Dearly Bethany on YouTube and TaliaCupcake on Instagram.
Now analyze the outfits that inspire you most. What do they have in common? And what pieces would you need to replicate them?
28. Decide on a basic color scheme.
The probably most helpful tip I have learned on setting outfits together more relaxed and more stylish is to stick to a 2-3 color scheme.
Meaning, whatever outfit you wear, try to stick to 2-3 primary colors. You can wear different shades of them, of course. But sticking to few colors makes it look so much more cohesive and put together; it’s truly life-changing.
And in addition to that, decide on 5 primary colors for your personal style. Mine are black, white, beige, rose, and bordeaux.
Now that I know that, I pick the majority of my clothes in those colors. This makes it so effortless to mix and match them and still end up with a stylish outfit.
And once in a while, you can wear a flashy accessory or jacket in a different color. This will give your outfit that little spice.
29. Start buying quality over quantity
Yes, it can be great to buy cheap but stylish clothes from places like Shein, Zaful, or Primark.
But it’s no secret that that’s not the best quality. The pieces will rip easily or stretch out quickly or just not fit very well and sometimes be extremely smelly.
An appearance glow up a la boss lady happens when you ditch those cheap clothes for others of higher quality.
You don’t have to go all-in and write off your go-to stores overnight. But maybe invest in one or two good and pricey pieces a year. If you take care of them, they will last you for years to come!
I have a warm winter jacket from Zara, for example, that has lasted me 5 years by now, I think. And I am 21 … so almost for a quarter of my life. Huh, crazy to think about it.
Anyway, but I also want to mention that quality doesn’t have to be the most expensive piece on the rack.
At some point, the price is more due to the brand than the quality.
I feel like, we can very often intuitively sense whether or not something is of a good (not necessarily excellent, but good) quality. So just follow your gut.
30. Buy a few timeless pieces.
Stop chasing trends!
Sure, that pink glittery fanny bag might be totally in this year, but can you see yourself wearing it in 3 years?
The majority of your wardrobe should consist of timeless pieces. Stuff that you’ll feel comfortable wearing even in 5 years.
Those few flashy items I’ve mentioned above, those are the ones that can be trendy and cheap.
31. Invest in good jewelry
Jewelry and accessories can genuinely elevate your outfit. It’s incredible what a difference a simple belt can make or one chain necklace.
Ideally, you should start building a high-quality jewelry portfolio. Meaning jewelry that won’t oxidize after wearing it for a month.
Jewelry that you might even pass down to the next generation.
Again, this is a pricy task, but you don’t have to do it overnight. Take your time and invest in one good piece of jewelry a year or so.
That way, your style will become better and better as time passes.
32. Set reminders to shop pre-season
That was an essential step for me. Because quite frankly, I am just not in the mood to go shopping for summer clothes while we have winter temperatures or the other way around.
Why can’t shops sell summer clothes in summer and winter clothes in winter?!?!
So by the time I finally got the idea to get new sandals or boots, the stores didn’t have much left. And even worse, I didn’t have any to wear although the weather demanded it.
So yeah, set yourself a reminder on your phone to not forget your pre-season shopping!
33. Clean your shoes and accessories
This is very non-explanatory, but I feel like it’s very easy to forget. So here’s the short reminder.
And yes, people will notice your shoes having salt stains on them! So just clean and polish them!
Wow, that has been by faaaaarrrr my longest post up to date!!!! I am genuinely impressed by myself ^^’
If you’ve stuck with me till the end, please leave a comment down below on the first boss lady glow up idea you want to implement.
Other than that, I wish you a fantastic Boss Lady Glow Up!
Keep improving yourself!