Personal Development

15 Goals To Work On In The New Year

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Are you as excited about the New Year as I am?! The next year might be a year that will change your life forever. It might be the year you meet the love of your life or become financially free or find your passion. 

There are so many amazing possibilities of what could happen in the 365 days ahead of us! 

However, if you don´t want to put it in the hands of faith to make this year significant, you should set some clear and attainable goals that will make sure you will rock the new year. 

This list will give you some inspiration on what goals to set yourself for the upcoming 12 months. 

Stay tuned for the bonus at the end! You will love it!

1. Becoming healthy

Do you have acne, migraine, dry skin, a wart on your foot? Do you bloat or struggle with your digestion? How are your sleeping patterns? 

If you are like most people nowadays, there is at least one factor about your health that is bothering you, or you at least know it could be better. 

Most likely, it is something that isn’t too bothering, and you have accepted it. No more! 

It’s time to take action and get rid of your health issues! You will feel so good once you did it! 

If you are a woman and have any issues concerning your period, I highly recommend listening to Feminine as F#uck by Monica Yates. She is such an inspiring boss lady, and as a Period and Womens life coach, she is an expert around all those women topics. 

2. Get in shape

Yes, this one is the most common New Years’ resolution ever. Especially after that holiday season around Christmas, where a lot of people get lazy and gain a few pounds. 

However, the goal for 2020 should not be to get back into shape. The goal should be to create a healthy lifestyle that you can commit to all year round and have fun doing so. 

For example, my goal for 2019 was to do three workouts a week and regularly some yoga. 

Sometimes, I was feeling more into yoga and sometimes a bit more into working out. I tried to go with the flow while still maintaining a more or less consistent fitness level. 

Suddenly, something amazing happened. In June, I decided to try Blogiates 28-day challenge, so I did five workouts a week and one 30 minute stretch session. 

As July rolled around and I had planned to go back to my original workout routine. I suddenly found myself very excited about doing daily workouts. So going with the flow, I continued to train five days a week, stretch at least once a week, and now also do some yoga once in a while. 

So without pushing myself too much, I have found joy in working out almost daily and living a fitter lifestyle. 

I also experimented with the time I am training at and adapt it to my current lifestyle. 

I can only recommend you to try this out for yourself, instead of going just for that bikini body for summertime. 

3. Read more books

Reading in general (and I don’t mean Instagram captions) is excellent. Reading non-fiction books is even better. 

If you are like the average human being, you don’t read a lot. And if you do, it probably is fiction. 

But if you’ve ever taken an interest in successful people like Bill Gates or Stefan James, you might have noticed that they read a lot. So there must be something to it, right? 

This year, try and set yourself a reading goal. You can use Goodreads for that and to track the books you’ve already read and the ones you still want to read. 

If you need some inspiration on where to start, check out my Reading List for Personal Growth. It is always growing with the newest, valuable non-fiction books I’ve read myself. 

A word of warning, however. Don’t set your reading goal too high. It will only discourage and stress you. Go with something that seems attainable but is still a tiny bit of a stretch. 

And, should you dislike a book, don’t force yourself to finish it. I know this can be hard sometimes. I am also somebody who likes to finish what I started. But in the end, forcing myself to read something that I don’t enjoy will only grow the reluctance in me to pick up the next book. And I don’t need that. 

4. Integrate personal development into your daily life

Now, if you start reading non-fiction books, you are already going to learn and grow a lot in 2020. 

However, there are, of course, many different ways to accelerate your personal growth journey and reach that extraordinary life of your dreams. 

And many of them, you can integrate almost effortlessly into your daily life. 

While you are traveling to and from work/school/university, why not listen to an audiobook, a blinkist, or a podcast instead of music? 

You wouldn’t believe the immense value I’ve received through podcasts in the last year. It has, in all honesty, changed my life in more than one way. The existence of this blog is the best example of that. 

Instead of watching a series on Netflix, why not watch some informational, motivational, or inspirational YouTube Videos? There are so many possibilities to effortlessly learn something new.

5. Become more confident

Confidence gets you very far in life. And not only that, but it also makes the experience more enjoyable for you. 

So, how confident are you? How often do you doubt your abilities or worry about what other people think about you? 

How often do you find yourself holding back in a situation, knowing you would act differently if you were confident enough to do so. 

It’s time to get over that! Confidence is like a muscle. You can train it and make it stronger. 

Don’t tell yourself that you are shy. You are what you settle for. If you settle for being shy, then, of course, you are shy. Don’t fool yourself into believing you are not confident. 

The ability to be confident is inside you, just as it is inside everyone else. It’s your task to get it out in the open. So, please, don’t ever rely on your friends or romantic partners to make you feel confident. 

You don’t want to go into a relationship with the mindset of your partner completing you. You should already be your best self so that you can give your partner everything he or she deserves. 

To help you with that, I created 12 Powerful Ways To Be More Confident

6. Improve your style

Now, talking about confidence, let me share with you one of the easiest ways to get a confidence boost: Feeling great in what you wear! 

What you wear gives people a particular impression of you, and you know that. Now, if you already are very confident, you don’t necessarily care what others think about your clothes. 

However, if you try to grow your confidence, you should make sure to find a style in which you feel badass and ready to rule the world. 

Imagine Cookie Lyon or James Bond, entering a room or walking down a street. That’s the energy you want to feel! And your clothes can help you until you’ve got your mindset set up. 

So start to put some thought into your clothes. Styling is honestly a science, and there is so much to know about how to dress best for your body type. It´s the perfect project for 2020!

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7. Identify and get rid of bad habits

There are always some bad habits we should free ourselves off. If you manage to identify and eliminate at least one of them in 2020, you have already succeeded. 

Most people don’t even manage that. 

Take a look into 11 Self-Sabotaging Habits You Need To Get Rid Of ASAP, and hunt your bad habits down. 

8. Travel to a new destination

Traveling doesn’t have to be expensive, it does not have to be for long, and it doesn’t have to be far. Just go somewhere new! 

Not only will you make great memories that you can enjoy in the years ahead of you. But you will also gain a new perspective on life, become more confident in handling yourself in unfamiliar situations, and grow as a person. 

So, where do you plan to go in 2020?

9. Get out of your comfort zone

Real growth and success always lie outside of your comfort zone. To create the extraordinary life of your dreams, you have to step out of your cozy little shell and conquer your fears. 

To do that, you could challenge yourself to do something that is beyond your comfort zone at least once every month. 

If you make it a habit, it will become easier, and before you know it, your comfort zone extends so much further than at the beginning of 2020. 

10. Buy presents on time

Are you one of those people who always struggle to find the right gift a few days before the birthday of a friend or shortly before Christmas? 

Not this year! Pay close attention to the interests and wishes that your friends and family voice throughout the year. 

I guarantee you; you will quickly get ideas on what to gift them. And once you have one of these ideas, write it down so that when the gift time approaches, you are prepared. 

11. Create a stream of passive income

Creating a stream of passive income seems impossible to most people. And those who have started to believe that it is indeed possible are often still intimidated by the prospect of getting started. 

However, what would you say if I told you it is entirely realistic to create a good stream of passive income within a year or even a few months? 

There are countless entrepreneurs out there who have started to make a substantial income through their business within a few months or few years. 

Can you imagine yourself in one, two, or three years being at a point where you don’t have to work a 9-to-5 to support yourself financially? 

How amazing would that be!!! 

I know the beginning can be daunting, but I encourage you to get started with your business or whatever idea for a passive stream of income you have.  

It is now the end of 2019, and I’ve been working on my business for almost a year now. I can’t believe how fast the time has flown by, and I am unbelievably glad that I had the guts to start this journey. I am not yet at a point of financial freedom, but I can feel myself getting closer and closer every single day. Gosh, I already get excited just thinking about it! 

If you want some help with your this goal you might want to check out: 

12. Create a mindset of abundance

This will not be an easy goal for you, but it will definitely be worth it. Try to analyze your thoughts for a while and figure out where you are having limiting beliefs. 

Do any of these thoughts occur regularly to you? 

  • I can’t afford to buy that
  • Time is running out again! I will never be able to complete all of my tasks.
  • I won’t find a parking spot anyway.
  • Why should they choose me? I am just one among many.

Very often, it is not the circumstances we live in that limit us but more so our thoughts. 

If you create a more abundant mindset, your brain will automatically search for things that will confirm that belief. 

Suddenly, you will have all the time in the world, or you will find just the perfect parking spot. 

Try it out. It will take you quite some time to get out of your past pattern, but it will be worth it!

13. Spend time with your loved ones

Your loved ones are one of the essential parts of your life. Could you even imagine going through life without a single person – family, or friends – you loved and cared about? 

These are the people that support us. The people we are excited to tell our successes to. 

Yet, many people seem to take them for granted or prioritize their job over them. 

But 2020 is going to be different! For 2020 I challenge you to make time for your loved ones deliberately. 

You could set the goal to call every family member at least once a month and see your closer family members maybe once a week. 

Why not set the goal to go out with your friends at least once a month? 

This will result in a lot of quality time spend with your loved ones and many enjoyable memories you can look back on throughout your life. 

14. Create monthly goals and keep track of them

Many people set themselves at least one New Years Resolution. But shockingly enough, the vast majority of these resolutions get abandoned even before February arrives. 

As Felicity Seekers, we don’t set new years resolutions but goals. Goals we can measure, goals we keep track of, and goals we will reach until the end of the year. 

Now, a big key to accomplishing all your goals for 2020 is to not tackle them all at once. There are 12 months or 52 weeks ahead of you. You should spread your goals out over this timespan. 

This will make it less overwhelming for you to accomplish them. And to make sure you are on track, you should review each month and see where you’ve made progress and where you could still improve. 

Now, this is where we finally come to the Free Printable I have promised you. This will help you to keep track of the most critical areas of your life each month. 

I’ve started doing this for 2019, and I loved it! It gave me such a feeling of accomplishment to see all the things I’ve done written down on paper. 

This can also give you some closure if your month wasn’t as successful (that happens to all of us, don’t beat yourself up on it). 

I highly encourage you to try it out! After all, the printable is free ;D

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15. Enjoy 2020 for what it is!

Setting Goals and accomplishing them to create the life of your dreams is great. However, please don’t get too lost in the things you are chasing. 

You should take 2020 for what it is and enjoy it as a unique time in your life. 

I hope that gets you as excited as I am for 2020. Please tell me in the comments down below what you think about the Printable. Could I improve on anything? 

I wish you the most amazing, successful, passionate, and overall extraordinary 2020 you could ever hope for. 


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