Boss Lady

12 Ways To Have A Perfect Boss Lady Day

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We Felicity Seekers want to live the Boss Lady lifestyle. But what does a “perfect” day look like in a boss babe’s life? 

Of course, we all live different lives, and it isn’t possible to give everyone the same blueprint for a perfect day. 

Especially women like us, who are trying to embrace our feminine energy in our daily life, have to listen a lot to our intuition. It provides perfect guidance, and following it makes life so much easier. 

So with that in mind, I am not going to provide you with a timetable of tasks to do during the day to create the “perfect” day. 

This list consists more of general themes you should include in your day so that you can feel like a successful boss lady at the end of it. 

Should you have any additional ideas that need to be included on a perfect day, leave them in the comments below. That way, we can all learn from each other and improve even more. ^^ 

Read also: 17 Ways To Be A Successful Boss Lady

1. Take care of your body

The first point on this list is taking care of your body – meaning working out or moving in some shape or form. 

Your body is the physical shell that enables you to live this beautiful experience called life. 

Furthermore, the health and wellness of your body determine how long and how enjoyable your life will be. 

I believe that’s reason enough to invest time and money in taking care of your physical health. 

Therefore a true boss lady spends part of her perfect day moving her body. 

This doesn’t have to be in the form of a two-hour weight training workout at the gym. No, it can be in the form of Yoga, dancing, going for a walk, playing a group sport, trying out a new sport through a course, or going to the trampoline park. 

Successful women in tune with their feminine energy don’t push themselves to follow an exact workout plan every day of the week for weeks on end. 

They like to mix things up and go with the flow. For example, if you have your period, you don’t have to force yourself into the gym. Why not do some Yoga at home? 

The same goes for days when you wake up with a migraine, travel, are unusually busy, or are simply not motivated to break a sweat. 

Just do something good for your body and do it with intention and love. 

2. Take care of your mind

Of course, we have to follow body care with mind care. A healthy and sharp mind is another crucial part of a fulfilling life. 

In fact, one might argue it is even more important than the body, as we were able to see in such inspiring examples like Stephen Hawking. 

So naturally, a boss lady also takes some time out of her day to care for her mind. 

The obvious way to do that is through therapy and meditation. But it doesn’t have to be just that. 

Taking care of your mind also means your mindset. Successful women always keep a positive and abundant mindset. 

They often use affirmations, gratitude, and visualization as one of the first things in the morning to tune their minds for happiness and success. 

And what’s often overlooked but very important: Wearing a helmet while riding a bike will prevent you from suffering brain injuries in case of an accident. 

Yes, helmets are neither comfortable nor chic, but a brain injury is much worse, so choose wisely.

3. Eat healthily

Of course, eating healthily belongs in the “taking care of your body” category. 

However, it is often overlooked, and people mainly focus on the working out part, so I thought it deserved a separate mention. 

Eating healthily doesn’t necessarily mean cooking elaborate meals and shopping for the freshest ingredients. 

Ambitious modern women like us don’t really have time for that on most days.

Eating healthily primarily means being very conscious and intentional about the foods you use to fuel your body. 

If you live in a city and have the money to do so, you can find a healthy snack bar or restaurant and order your meals there to save time. 

If you live in a village-like me and try to save money while building a business, this might not be possible. In that case, you have to work with what you got. 

Don’t stress yourself by trying to be perfect with your nutrition. 

Simply try to make it healthier one step at a time. You can use meal prep to save time, for example. Or my current personal favorite: liquid food. 

There are a lot of brands that sell liquid food nowadays. If you live in Germany, try to look for YFood in your local supermarket. 

They have a ton of vitamins and minerals, and the drinks are also gluten-free and dairy-free and taste amazing! (Vanilla is my favorite!) 

So try to find the best solution for your lifestyle. 

4. Do something for your future

Felicity Seekers don’t live by chance. Instead, we strategically design our future. 

And we do that by continuously practicing little habits that compound to significant results. 

So naturally, a perfect boss lady day includes at least one task that will lead to a brighter future. 

This will be very different for everyone. For me, it currently is my law studies and my business, of course. 

It might also be working a side job to finance something important, getting vaccinated, or looking for houses. 

It can really be anything that will create a happier and more abundant future for you. 

Read also: 9 Reasons Why You Should Build A Business

Read also: 15 Ways To Spend Your Time Wisely

5. Enjoy the present

But of course, we are aiming for a balanced life. Focusing just on the future won’t make you happy. 

In fact, it’ll cause you to miss life completely. Because life only ever happens right now, at this moment. The past and future are simply in our heads. 

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Therefore on a perfect Boss Lady day, there is a lot of time spent appreciating the present. 

This can take the form of meditation. Or, which might even be better, short moments throughout the day of pausing your actions and actually feeling the current moment. 

Try to do this every time you find yourself overwhelmed by bad emotions. Or make a habit out of it whenever you switch tasks. 

6. Do something you are passionate about

A boss babe wants to live a passionate life. That’s why many of us strive to build a business we are passionate about. 

But embracing your passions doesn’t have to be just in the form of your profession. 

You could do the hobbies that you adore, maybe that means watching Formula 1, drawing or reading Fanfictions. 

Whatever lights you up, try to include a little bit of that into your day. 

And, of course, it doesn’t have to be the same passion every day. You can spontaneously decide what you want to do today. 

Read also: 4 Things You Need To Know About Finding Your Passion

7. Be gentle with yourself

This is a big part of embracing your feminine energy. Instead of hustling through the day and being your own worst boss, allow yourself to be gentle and take it easy. 

In the beginning, this will often be connected to a lot of guilt. Our culture and social media loudly praise the whole concept of ” being busy. ” 

That’s why ambitious and productive boss babes often feel guilty for not being busy and taking it easy. After all, we could be spending that time soooooo much more productively. 

However, productivity and hustle and grind lie very much in the field of masculine energy. 

To embrace your femininity, you should practice being gentle with yourself without feeling guilty. 

That means recognizing when you’ve done a lot of great work (whether you deem it enough or not) and acknowledging that you deserve a break. 

Maybe in the form of taking an extra long shower, deciding to watch a bit more Netflix than usual, or driving the scenic route instead of the fastest. 

Being gentle with yourself can mean altering just little tasks through which we usually rush and don’t allow ourselves to indulge in longer. 

You don’t even have to take a whole self-care day. But, of course, that’s great, too, from time to time. But try to include gentleness into your daily routine, and you will have a much more perfect day. 

8. Step a bit out of your comfort zone

We only grow outside of our comfort zone. A boss lady knows that and always tries to push herself a bit further than before. 

Also, we probably all know that exhilarating feeling of accomplishment and pride after doing something outside of our comfort zone (e. g. a presentation or making that phone call). 

Of course, it will be somewhat challenging to step out of your comfort zone daily, but a perfect day likely includes some form of this. 

9. Socialize

Felicity Seekers want to master every area of their life. That’s why they take great care not to neglect their social life. 

A perfect day will include some form of socializing. This can be in the form of a phone call, a longer chat, a skype/facetime call, a conversation, hanging out with friends, going on a date … you name it. 

Just intentionally spend some form of quality time with your loved ones. 

10. Learn something new

Boss Ladies are students for life and know there is always more to learn, and they are eager to do so. 

Therefore they learn something new every day. This can be something tiny, like the meaning of a complicated word. 

Whatever it is, they make sure to create some form of a habit out of it. 

If you go to school/uni, you are already learning new stuff each day. 

Other habits could be, learning a new language through daily Babbel/Rosettastone modules, listening to podcasts, watching informational youtube videos, etc. 

Read also: Reading List For Personal Growth

Read also: 18 Powerful Personal Growth Ideas

11. Get inspired!

Inspiration fuels our creativity, passion, motivation, and joy. If you are inspired, you approach your daily tasks completely differently. 

And especially for content creators, inspiration helps them deliver higher value in a unique way. 

Knowing the importance of inspiration, a boss lady makes sure to get at least some form of inspiration on her perfect day. 

Of course, not every spark of inspiration will ignite a whole fire; moments like these can rarely be anticipated or planned. 

But it’s still worth it to seek out inspiring content, be it podcasts, videos, social media, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc. 

I really like Pinterest and Tumblr since they are less social media and more search engines, meaning it’s less about personal things and more about the content itself. 

I enjoy Pinterest pins (often duplicates of Instagram posts) way more because I don’t start to compare myself that easily or feel FOMO because I don’t really know who that post is from. 

All I care about are the aesthetics, the message, and the inspiration it gives me. 

Another thing that always inspires me is meeting new people and talking to them. So whenever you get the chance to have a conversation with someone new, use it! 

Read also: 7 Simple Ways To Overcome FOMO

12. Express your femininity

Last but certainly not least, part of a perfect boss lady day requires some expression of your feminine energy. 

This doesn’t have to be something monumental. It can be included in daily tasks. 

Surround yourself with pleasant smells and luxurious textures. Cherish acts of self-care like skincare, doing makeup, and taking a shower. 

Create a Playlist that makes you feel more feminine. Move more sensual and slowly when doing chores at home.

Try to be creative and do what feels right to you. 

Read also: 10 Ways To Tune Into Your Feminine Energy

Read also: 35 Songs For Your Badass Boss Babe Playlist

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