
9 Useful Hobbies For Women In Their 20s

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Are you tired of focusing only on work and scrolling aimlessly spending your free time? Here are 9 useful hobbies for women in their 20s.

Hobbies are not only a very fulfilling way to spend your time, but they can also provide you with useful skills later in life. 

And, of course, it makes the dreaded question of hobbies in job interviews easier to answer. 

So if you’ve lost your hobbies over time, now is the perfect opportunity to start something new. 

But make sure to not overdo it! Try out one hobby at a time and give it at least a few weeks a chance before you make up your mind. 

Judging something properly is hard if you are barely informed about it.

1. Drawing

By the time they have reached their twenties, most people seem to have decided that they are either good at drawing or not. 

They act as if you need to be born with an innate talent. 

But the reality is that those students who could draw well in school simply practiced more while younger. 

That’s why learning how to draw can be a great hobby for women in their 20s. 

It not only adds a cool skill to your portfolio but also shows you that you can achieve things you previously thought impossible with enough practice. 

2. Cooking/Baking

Honestly, falling in love with cooking or baking is one of the best things to happen to you. 

You will have to prepare many meals in your life, you might as well get good at cooking and enjoy doing it. 

So consider spending some time experimenting with different recipes and cooking techniques.

3. Programming

In the digital age, programming is an immensely useful and versatile hobby. 

With time you could let your programming skills progress into web design or app creation. 

Also, many online courses and apps help you learn the basics. 

4. Memory Training

I’m not just talking about sudoku or other brainy games here, though by all means, enjoy them as well. 

I’m mainly thinking of the memory palace, and similar techniques memory champions apply. 

This is quite possibly one of the most useful hobbies you can have. 

Not only will an effective memory drastically reduce your study time and therefore improve your quality of life and your grades. 

It will also keep your brain healthy and fit, making you less likely to encounter memory struggles in your older years. 

Read also: 6 Personal Growth Courses I Want To Take

5. Ice Skating

Alright, this is a bit random, but ice skating can be a great hobby to keep active even in the winter. 

And I don’t just mean skating around the oval rather wobbly. I mean properly learning how to slide backward and forwards and how to spin. 

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Once you’ve learned that, ice skating can be incredibly relaxing, in which you just flow along to the music.

6. Reading

Don’t groan. I get it; reading is a few people’s ideas of a hobby. But I feel that that’s mostly due to their bad experiences in school.

Well, luck’s on your side because this time around, you get to choose what you are reading. 

You can pick up the trashiest and smuttiest romance novels out there. 

Or how about some bestseller YA novels?

Maybe you are ambitious and want to read through the best personal development books. If so, here is a Reading List for you to check out. 

The point is, you can choose anything literally. It doesn’t even have to be a book. Maybe you like to read webtoons or fanfictions. 

Just try out a few stories.

Read also: Reading List For Personal Growth

7. Blogging/Podcasting

Why not pick a hobby that has the potential to earn you money? 

Blogging and podcasting can be a fun way to express yourself and an interesting project to work on. 

What’s also great is that these two things will teach you valuable skills. Blogging will help you to write more concisely and eloquently, and podcasting will improve your presentation skills. 

Read also: 21 Life Changes That Come With Building An Online Business

8. Photography/Videography

If you take many selfies, you already have some photography skills. And if you make TikTok videos, you already know some videography. 

But why not expand your expertise? 

You can use YouTube tutorials or skillshare courses to improve your skills. 

Not only will that improve your Insta and TikTok feed, but it will also provide you with a very marketable skill. 

Consider publishing your footage as stock images and videos online and getting paid for them. 

9. DIY-ing

In a world where many office jobs are of intellectual nature and don’t produce clearly visible results, DIY can be a very satisfying hobby.

There are no boundaries to what you can do with DIY; it will train your creativity, resourcefulness, and interdisciplinary thinking. 

Furthermore, it is possible to create a thriving business with DIY stuff over Etsy.

Well, these were the useful hobbies for those in their 20s that we recommend. 

What are your current hobbies? And what did you always want to try out? 

As always, we are curious to hear from you. 

Until next time, Felicity Seeker! 

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