Personal Development

55 Things That Happen During Your Personal Development Journey

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We Felicity Seekers immerse ourselves into Self Improvement. This Personal Development Journey is less a hobby and more of a life’s mission.

We know that there will never be a real ending to it. That there is always a higher version of ourselves to grow in to. That is part of what makes it so exciting!

However, as we travel along this Personal Development Journey, many of us notice certain things that change.

It’s fascinating and even funny to take a look at these developments. It can also be reassuring to know that you are not alone out there. Others experience these things too!

Read also: 18 Powerful Personal Growth Ideas

I know you will find yourself in many of these points. If you have experienced anything else while dedicating your time to your personal growth, please share it with your fellow Felicity Seekers in the comments down below.

You never know who might need that reassurance that they are not the only one with this experience.

Other than that, enjoy!

1. You start to think of everything as a science … seriously there is just so freaking much to know!!!

2. Therefore you realize how very little you know

3. Which is why you have to use a tremendous amount of energy to fight the urge to roll your eyes whenever someone acts as if they know it all

4. You wonder how you spend your free time before you started to read books, listen to podcasts, work on courses, etc.

5. You find yourself disagreeing more often with your family and friends

6. You feel more lonely because you can’t connect with your friends and family about the topics that matter to you

7. Therefore you are craving to meet likeminded friends

8. You have for the first time ever an actual vision for your life

9. That vision is strikingly different from where you saw your life heading a few years ago

10. You notice the limiting mindsets of others, and it pains you to see how they are self-sabotaging themselves

11. You become more happy and positive in daily life

12. The idea of what your soulmate is like, changes in accordance to your new vision for life

13. You are not willing to settle for less in any area of life

14. Your income grows

15. People start to see you as a workaholic

16. People think you are into esoteric stuff and make jokes about your new ‘hobby’

17. You work out more, quit toxic habits and become more healthy in general

18. You discover biohacking and are determined to prolong your life through healthy practices

19. Your bookshelf becomes cramped

20. You enter the world of non-fiction books

21. You consider buying a Kindle or a similar e-reader because you just don’t have space for so many books and it does get a bit expensive

22. For the first time outside of school or uni, you start to make notes or put post-its into your books.

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23. You get overwhelmed by all the different self-growth media you want to consume. I mean, how can you squeeze in Podcasts, YouTube videos, books, and audiobooks in a single day?

24. Therefore a day often seems to have simply not enough hours in it to do everything you want to

25. Personal Development becomes second nature, you don’t even need to remind yourself of doing it daily

26. You consciously create an uplifting morning routine that tunes your mindset for the day ahead. After all, how you start the day is how you end it.

27. You start to wake up earlier regularly

28. Therefore you go to bed earlier

29. You begin to set S.M.A.R.T. goals instead of ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ and actually achieve them while everybody else has the same Resolutions each and every year all over again

30. You realize that everybody can be successful if they keep pushing themselves outside their comfort zone and implement the right habits.

31. Therefore instead of idolizing successful and famous people, you start analyzing what exactly they did to get to where they are today.

32. Your spiritual beliefs evolve and/or deepen.

33. You begin to journal regularly to declutter your mind and become more aware of yourself.

34. You begin to donate to charities or increase your contributions to society in general.

35. You have to fight frustration at your family and friends who don’t believe one can get to know themself or become aware of their patterns

36. You don’t like sharing your goals with them because they think your goals are unrealistic

37. You don’t want to talk to them about your latest personal development purchase because they think you are wasting your money on all those online courses or seminars. And they believe all those online entrepreneurs are scammers trying to rip you off.

38. You want to start investing in stocks and bonds to become financially free in the future. Still, everybody tells you it is too risky just because they haven’t succeeded themselves or are too afraid to try.

39. You don’t feel entitled that the state should finance your retirement

40. Whenever somebody asks what you do for fun or in your free time, you hesitate to tell them about your Personal Growth journey because most people just don’t get it

41. Therefore you learn to work on your goals in quiet and without revealing much about them.

42. You expect more from yourself

43. Therefore you push yourself more.

44. Which, in turn, makes you succeed more often and in a more significant way.

45. People say you are ‘so lucky’ because of all of your success and the opportunities you encounter not realizing you are working every single day for that

46. You envision the day when you have reached your dream life and can make all those people who doubt you wonder how you did it

47. You realize how much the educational system is lacking

48. Therefore you start to care less about how people are doing academically and focus more on how they live life, whether they try to grow as a person and whether they have a vision for life that goes beyond their next holidays

49. You become happy and content with yourself, strengths and weaknesses included

50. You regret not having started earlier in your life knowing how much you could have grown by now

51. You get excited by the prospect of joining a seminar in the future, maybe even flying into another country for it

52. You start a gratitude journal

53. You create a vision board

54. Life starts to have a meaning, and you live with more passion daily

55. You are forever grateful that you stumbled onto the Personal Development journey because it changed your life forever!

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