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Most of us know, we should wake up early, but we seldom consider the actual reasons for that. No wonder many people can’t get themselves to wake up early!
If that’s you, don’t worry. This list will give you the right motivation to turn your alarm clock at least half an hour earlier!
1. Most others are not awake yet
The first significant advantage of waking up early is the peacefulness. Most other people are not awake at, let’s say 5 o’clock. This gives you the chance to start the day the way you want to.
You not only have silence to focus better on whatever you want to do but you also do not have to deal with other peoples demands yet.
Nobody is bombarding you with questions or is asking for favors. You can take some time for yourself. Do what makes you happy. Get yourself in a prime mood so you can start the day with the right foot.
We all know how easy it is to be grumpy all day if only a few things in the morning go wrong. You stub your toe, the milk is empty and then you run late and voila, it gets 200 times harder for you to have a happy day.
But if you can already start enjoyably, the day is yours to conquer!
2. You can work on your personal goals
Let me ask you something. When are you more likely to read a self-development book or do an online course. After you’ve come home from a draining day in a job, you are not all too passionate about, or after you’ve had an uplifting morning routine without people around you to annoy you?
For most people, the answer will be the latter. And I can understand that. After a day of lectures, I want to relax the rest of the afternoon and evening.
Unsurprisingly, it will be less enjoyable for you to work on your personal goals if you want to do it after all your other obligations. Why not make it a priority and start your day with it?
That way, you not only get it done and out of the way, but you also start into the rest of the day feeling inspired and empowered. That certainly sounds like a formula for a great day.
One of the best ways to improve yourself is by reading personal development books. To help you with that I have compiled a whole list of amazing and inspiring non-fiction books that will make you grow beyond your wildest dreams! Check out my Reading List for Personal Growth to expand your knowledge! I always keep it updated on my new favorite books.

3. You will have time for breakfast
Honestly, I almost didn’t mention this one, because for me it has never been an option not to eat breakfast. For me, it’s like brushing your teeth or putting on fresh clothes. Of course, you do it!
But many people do not eat breakfast, and, they do so because they don’t take the time for it in the morning.
I know I wouldn’t be very excited to eat breakfast either if I’d give myself only 10 minutes or less for it. No, breakfast is something that should be enjoyed, and if you wake up early, you can indulge in it properly!
4. There are health benefits
Waking up early can benefit your health on many levels.
It can …
- reduce the chances of you developing sleeping disorders
- reduce high blood pressure
- help you burn more calories if you workout earlier

5. You are more productive
Despite the studies that suggest that our productivity is at its highest in the mornings, it is also very logical that waking up early raises your productivity.
For many of us, 12 o’clock marks the half of the day, simply because it is the middle of the day. Now, if you’ve already accomplished most of your tasks by then, you will feel good and like you have your stuff together. However, if you have most of it still left in the open … well, it will be harder to motivate yourself to get that done.
Waking up early gives you more time before that halftime of the day.
Furthermore, most socializing happens after and not before work. Even if you should not work in a 9 to 5, most other people do. Meaning, they get off work around 4 or 5 pm.
And once your friends and family are having free time and are enjoying themselves, do you think you will be motivated to hustle anymore?
I don’t think so. So wake up early!
6. The early bird gets the worm
We all know this saying, but most of us never consider how relevant it is to waking up early.
For example, having the earliest appointments possible gives you the advantage that not much has had the chance to interfere with it.
If you take the last flight of the day, chances are high it will be delayed. Not so much with the first one.
Same goes for doctors appointments. If you have the first appointment, you don’t have to worry that the other patients were late or emergency appointments delayed all of the other ones, etc.
You also might be able to drive to work before rush hour starts and therefore save time, which you might be able to use to get off the job earlier.
Which brings us to our next point.

7. You can relax earlier
The thing I love most about starting early with anything is that you finish before most others do.
I know that not only for me but also for many of my friends, it is frustrating to know that others can already relax, but we still have some work to do.
However, if I start working before others do, I am always highly motivated by the prospect of being able to finish earlier.
Therefore if you are waking up early, you can start working on your tasks earlier and relax sooner.
8. You will impress people
This one definitely shouldn’t be a priority, but it is a fun thing to consider.
Most people are impressed by others that have the discipline to wake up early regularly. So if you are looking for something to casually brag about, mention that you wake up early. ;D
I hope this short list convinces you to wake up early. This habit can help you achieve the extraordinary life of your dreams in no time!
So wake up early and keep creating that financial freedom and success you dream about!
I know you can do it!