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Whether you’ve thought about taking up journaling or getting back into the habit of it, these journaling quotes will get you motivated and inspired to do so.
The quotes will also show just how many people see journaling as a crucial part of their day.
And if so many people swear by it, surely there must be something to it. Right?
Either way, I hope you enjoy these journaling quotes!
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Quotes From People Who Journal
“Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time.” – Mina Murray

“I never wrote things down to remember; I always wrote things down so I could forget.” ― Matthew McConaughey, Greenlights

“Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life-changing but life-expanding.” – Jen Williamson

“Journaling is the perfect way to shift your emotions immediately and process your feelings without judgment, so you don’t get stuck in unpleasant experiences.” ― Kristen Butler

“Keeping a journal of what’s going on in your life is a good way to help you distill what’s important and what’s not.” – Martina Navratilova

“The best time to begin keeping a journal is whenever you decide to.” – Hannah Hinchman

“In the journal I do not just express myself more openly than I could to any person; I create myself.” – Susan Sontag

“Journaling is a great way to pay attention to “how it all came to be.” In looking back, you gain insight into (and appreciation for) your challenges, lessons, and perseverance.” – Melissa Stenginus

“Write about what really interests you, whether it is real things or imaginary things, and nothing else.” – C. S. Lewis

Journaling Quotes That Inspire
“People who keep journals have life twice.” – Jessamyn West

“If kids reflect on their days, they will become better problem-solvers of life.” – Trevor Carss

“Journaling can be an excellent way to increase self-awareness, discover and change habits.” – Akiroq Brost

“Journaling is paying attention to the inside for the purpose of living well from the inside out.” – Lee Wise

“Documenting little details of your everyday life becomes a celebration of who you are.” – Carolyn V. Hamilton

“There are certain things that make me relax, like writing my journal. That’s the only time that I’m relaxing. It’s the only time I really get to examine myself.” – Jessica Simpson

“Just as a good rain clears the air, a good writing day clears the psyche.” – Julia Cameron

“Your subconscious mind is trying to help you all the time. That’s why I keep a journal – not for chatter but for mostly the images that flow into the mind or little ideas. I keep a running journal, and I have all of my life, so it’s like your gold mine when you start writing.” – Jim Harrison

“Whether you’re keeping a journal or writing as a meditation, it’s the same thing. What’s important is you’re having a relationship with your mind.” – Natalie Goldberg

“I don’t journal to ‘be productive.’ I don’t do it to find great ideas or to put down prose I can later publish. The pages aren’t intended for anyone but me. It’s the most cost-effective therapy I’ve ever found.” – Tim Ferriss

“Journal writing gives us insights into who we are, who we were, and who we can become.” – Sandra Marinella

“This is what the best journals look like. They aren’t for the reader. They are for the writer. To slow the mind down. To wage peace with oneself” – Ryan Holiday

“Almost every morning I write in my journal. I’ve been keeping it for a long time – I’ve filled more than 50 books. I write about what’s going on in my personal and spiritual life or what’s going on at work. It helps me keep things in perspective, especially when things get crazy or I get stressed or we have obstacles.” – Blake Mycoskie

“Journal what you love, what you hate, what’s in your head, what’s important. Journaling organizes your thoughts; allows you to see things in a concrete way that otherwise you might not see.” – Kay Walkingstick

“I think a lot of journal articles should really be blogs.” – Nate Silver

Quotes That Will Get You Hyped For Journaling
“A personal journal is an ideal environment in which to become. It is a perfect place for you to think, feel, discover, expand, remember, and dream.” – Brad Wilcox

“Keeping a journal is the number-one best way to develop your written voice.” – Camille Perri

“I try and journal every day, and that’s where a lot of my lyric comes from.” – Jessie Baylin

“I keep a journal, and every day I write down one great play that I had that day. I don’t write down any negatives.” – Heather O’Reilly

“I write journals and would recommend journal writing to anyone who wishes to pursue a writing career. You learn a lot. You also remember a lot… and memory is important.” – Judy Collins

“I started writing one afternoon when I was twenty, and ever since then I have written every day. At first I had to force myself. Then it became part of my identity, and I did it without thinking.” – David Sedaris