
Pinfinite Growth by Melyssa Griffin Review

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Hello, and welcome to my review of the Pinfinite Growth course by Melyssa Griffin! 

As a student without income who is trying to grow an online business, I know the pain of investing more and more money into a business that is yet to produce any income. 

On the flip side, I firmly believe that you do need to invest in tools, courses, mentors, books, etc. if you genuinely want that successful business of your dreams as quickly as possible. 

So the questions, of course, is: What are wise investments and where should you rather not spend your money? 

That’s why I wanted to give you my personal review of Pinfinite Growth by Melyssa Griffin. 

I’m sure it will give you more clarity on whether or not to make that investment. 

Should you have purchased the course already, feel free to leave your own Pinfinite Growth review in the comments. It will help your fellow Felicity Seekers a lot!

The starting point

Alright, first things first, where was I when I purchased Pinfinite Growth? 

I purchased Pinfinite Growth at the end of December 2019. 

I had uploaded my first blog post on April 1st, 2019, and started actively marketing my content in July of the same year. 

At that time, I had already learned what a fantastic marketing tool Pinterest is. And since I saw much more potential in Pinterest marketing than writing guest posts or doing Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc., I went all-in pretty quickly. 

On July 10th, 2019, I purchased Tailwind to aid me with my marketing. I knew I didn’t have the slightest chances to even remotely get the traffic I wanted without a scheduling tool like Tailwind, and I highly recommend it to everyone who wants to get serious with Pinterest. 

Read also: The 5 Biggest Pinterest Mistakes I Made In The Beginning

Now, if you look at my Google Analytics, you can also see that in July, I finally started to gain some traffic. Not much, granted but increasingly more over the weeks that followed. 

At the end of 2019, I had reached 2m monthly Pinterest impressions, which is a stellar result I was very proud of. 

Read also: 6 Things I Did To Get 2M Pinterest Impressions

The problem? Those 2 million monthly impressions converted to only about 20-page views a day. What a disappointment. 

So, having mentally recovered from my last business investment and having cultivated an abundance mindset, I was ready to level my marketing game up. 

My solution: Pinfinite Growth by Melyssa Griffin. 

By that time, I had already been following Melyssa for quite a few months. I really liked her personality, and I trusted her to provide tons of value in her course. 

I knew I could either wait and try to figure my issues out on my own, or I could take the help of an expert who actually works together with Pinterest and is up to date with their newest algorithms. 

You guessed it. The choice was rather easy. 

My Pinfinite Growth Results

I’ve now used the Pinfinite Growth methods for over three months. That’s the time frame Melyssa recommends to wait until to draw any final results. 

And it makes sense. After all, Pinterest is a search engine, and results don’t happen overnight. 

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So, what exactly are my results? 

On the first day of Pinfinite Growth these were my stats: 

  • 2m monthly Pinterest views
  • 775 monthly pageviews to

Now, three months later, I have these results: 

  • 1.7m monthly Pinterest views
  • 1049 monthly pageviews to Striving for Felicity

That’s probably not the crazy traffic explosion you wanted to see, right? 

But still, it’s a growth of 135%, not bad for three months. But then again, I would have most certainly seen some growth anyway. 


Was Pinfinite Growth Worth It?

To me, yes! I honestly don’t regret investing that money at all. 

Sure, I didn’t have one of those crazy traffic explosions you might read about in other people’s reviews, but I had already anticipated that. 

After all, I already started out with 2m monthly Pinterest impressions and half a year worth of Pinterest marketing experience. AND I had previously used Tailwind, which is the holy grail of Pinterest marketing. 

Therefore there weren’t many extraordinarily mind-blowing secret techniques Melyssa could share with me I had not already known of. 

But you always have to remember that the more you already know, the less new information there is. 

And that’s ok because most of the time it isn’t those enormous amounts of information that move the needle but much more so just one little additional spark of knowledge. 

And those little sparks of information, that’s what I purchased Pinfinite Growth for. And I wasn’t disappointed! 

Pinfinite Growth taught me quite a few little tips and tricks I hadn’t known of before. And I eagerly implemented them into my Pinterest strategy. 

Also, to hear the information I already did know repeated in a different way swayed me to make some changes as well. After all, repetition is the mother of skill! 

So, all in all, Pinfinite Growth made my Pinterest marketing more effective and similarily much easier. 

AND! I don’t need to worry about any Pinterest changes because I can jump into Melyssas course once every few months and check if any algorithms or other things have changed that I should know about. 

In my eyes, that is a definite win! 

The Pros and Cons Of Pinfinite Growth By Melyssa Griffin


  • It is pricey, not gonna lie. Especially since you absolutely must subscribe to Tailwind as well
  • It’s no quick fix (if you are looking for that you’ll be disappointed, though in my eyes that’s a sign for quality and reliability)
  • Some of the videos were slightly outdated (but nothing huge you wouldn’t be able to figure out on your own. Sometimes Pinterest changes its appearance slightly, that’s normal, and I wouldn’t expect Melyssa to make a new video every single time)


  • Even for somewhat experienced Pinterest marketers with already some success under their belt, it will have new and helpful information and strategies
  • Melyssa offers a workbook that goes with the course and is pretty helpful
  • Most of the videos are pretty bitesize and comfortable to take in
  • The course also has lengthy in-depth videos by Pinterest employees
  • You gain lifetime access and can take advantage of all the updates she makes
  • The information is legit since Melyssa actually works closely together with Pinterest

Well, that’s my Pinfinite Growth review. I hope my experience with and opinion about the course will help you with making the decision to purchase it or not. 

Generally, I’d recommend purchasing it as soon as possible. Since the more you learn about Pinterest marketing on your own, the less Melyssa will be able to teach you. 

But again, even if you are experienced like I was back then, there will almost certainly be at least a few new tips and tricks for you to implement. 

I wish you massive success on your online business journey! Be patient and have faith that everything will work out just fine with time!

Until next time 


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