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You’ve probably heard by now, that success is only 20% strategy and 80% mindset. When you hear that for the first time, it might sound strange and unbelievable.
But the further you get along the journey towards that extraordinary life of your dreams, the more you understand how true it is.
So if you want to make 2021 a successful year and if you’re going to start that business, I talk about it 6 Things You Should Do Before Starting A Business, then this article is a must for you.
Of course, this list is not final. I will probably make many more lists of this kind. The fact that we all talk about the one percent that made it,
However, if you manage to tackle
By the way, if you want to keep track of your goals and habits for 2021, I invite you to download my 2020 Goals & Life Mastery Tracker Worksheet. It is FREE!
[mailerlite_form form_id=3]1. I know that already
No, you don’t. Learning never stops!
It might be true that you know everything that
You need to lower your expectations of the number of new things you are going to learn. The more knowledge you acquire, the less information you hear will be unique to you.
But I can guarantee you that there will always be something new to learn simply because there is still someone out there who is discovering something new.
And if you think about it, only a tiny spark can light up massive amounts of fuel. The same goes for our ideas. Very often, you accumulate a ton of knowledge. Still, only one tiny bit of new information can spark that big eureka moment.
So if you ask me, it is very often worth your time hearing old information again if there potentially is something new within. At the very least, you will repeat what you already know.
Repetition is the mother of perfection. If there is pure perfection, it’s about doing something over and over again.
-Thomas Keller
Repetition is the mother of skill.
-Tony Robbins
Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.
― Zig Ziglar
2. I can figure this out on my own
You could, probably. But it would cost you dearly. It would cost you time, money, and frustration.
We Felicity Seekers want to enjoy the journey towards our dream life. We don’t believe in hustling so hard, we need to reduce our sleep to four hours and don’t have time for workouts or family and friends anymore. Neither do we believe in saving so much money we can only afford harmful fast food.
We love to feel good in our bodies, we like to spend our time the way we want to, and we absolutely adore to indulge in luxury.
In other words, we Felicity Seekers don’t make our life harder than it needs to be. We carefully ponder our options and choose the most logical one for us.
And in the vast majority of cases, this means not to reinvent the wheel but simply let others help us.
That means you should invest in that course, coach, seminar, or book! Sure it might cost you something now, but in the long run, you are going to reach your goal faster and more enjoyable.
You can always earn more money, but you can never make up for that lost time. So please don’t try to reinvent the wheel in 2021.
3. Using negative words
Tell me, do any of these thoughts sound like you?
- Oh, please don’t let me be late!
- I really don’t want to see that person today.
- I just can’t focus
- I won’t get sick, I won’t get sick, I won’t get sick!
What do they all have in common? They focus on the thing you do NOT want. There is an excellent Tony Robbins quote that names the problem that lies in such negative focus:
Where focus goes, energy flows.
-Tony Robbins
Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction or not, this rule of thumb can change the way you perceive your life.
Don’t you imagine it might be a much more pleasant experience if you change these thoughts into …
- I am punctual!
- I am exclusively meeting people I love to meet
- I am absolutely focused
- I feel great! I am healthy!
There is the power behind positive affirmations. Of course, you won’t be able to avoid using negative phrases altogether. However, try to program your mind to think more favorable phrases.
It can be a fun game that makes your daily life happier.
4. Money is hard to earn
Ok, I get it. Most of us are always surrounded by people with money problems. So obviously cash must be hard to make, right? You have to put in more time to earn more money, right? And very often you won’t feel compelled to spend your time earning money.
Well, as a Felicity Seeker, you hopefully already have shattered this belief. If not, 2021 is the time to do so.

Because, boy, that belief can be so far from reality … depending on what reality you create for yourself.
The magic words here are passive income, entrepreneur, and passion.
It is absolutely possible for you to passionately earn a significant amount of money in less than 9 hours a day, five days a week.
Nowadays, there are countless examples of online entrepreneurs doing just that. And 2020 is the year you should start believing that this can be a reality for you, too!
If that´s what you want, you should check out 6 Things You Should Do Before Starting A Business.
5. They are all just fooling us/This isn’t real
Skepticism might save you from being screwed over like naive people are. However, it will also create more worries and prevent you from taking advantage of incredible opportunities.
So please dare to be a bit more trusting from time to time. If you find a person that seems honest to you, is transparent and has lots of great reviews, you might want to take the leap and believe them/invest in their product.
Again, you can easily earn that money back should you actually get scammed (which in my experience is not likely as long as you are not entirely naive). However, you will never know if this might have been the person that could have helped you reach your dream life.
In my opinion, the risk-reward-ratio is clearly speaking in favor of being more trusting and less skeptic.
6. The honest and hardworking get just taken advantage of and never succeed
Unfortunately, I know all too well where this belief comes from. In the past few years, I have heard from multiple sources and also, to some extent, experienced myself how honest and hardworking people get taken advantage of by the lazy and coward.
You might know those people who always act like their sick so they can skip work. And when they are at work, they use their time to do online shopping or hold private conversations. In other words, they get paid for doing sh***, and their honest and hardworking colleges have to balance the workload and stress as a result.
Honestly, people like that make my blood boil! These are people who have zero loyalty to their colleges, hate their job but are too much of a coward to do something about it and create a life they would instead want to live.
Urgh … just thinking about those people makes me angry!!!
However, even though there are, unfortunately, quite a few people like that out there, you should drop the mindset that this means you as an honest and hardworking Felicity Seeker won’t succeed.
In the end, the honest and hardworking are still the ones that succeed and get to live the life of their dreams. The key here is to work smart and not just hard.
Don’t let others take advantage of you like that. If you can’t help it, try to get away from those toxic people. But never EVER stoop to their low level.
Don’t lose your work ethic! Keep hustling, and stay honest! The others may have short-term success, but you will succeed in the long run!
7. I need a degree to be successful in life

Not necessarily, no. Although our society has taught us that we need to have good grades in school and get a degree to get a good job, this is not necessarily true anymore.
The internet has created endless opportunities to get or even create a high paying job that you love without having a degree.
Of course, if you want to be a doctor or a lawyer, you need to get that degree. There are certain professions where that makes sense. But in other jobs, practical experience trumps any degree by lengths!
So sit down and analyze what you really want in life. Do you need a degree to do that? Can you think of famous people who got where they are today without a degree?
For example, if your dream is to become a professional dancer, you might not need a degree for that but can gain attention through posting dancing videos on social media.
However, you should also know that a degree can often make sense. It will not only teach you different information and skills than you can acquire by yourself, but it also provides you with a little bit of security to fall back on.
For example, I am currently still studying law, although I’ve pretty much decided a year ago that I don’t want to become a lawyer or a judge, etc. So why do I still bother with it?
- It keeps me occupied while I grow my business. If my business was my only focus right now, I think I would go crazy with it not taking off yet. And of course, there would also be family and friends asking, “how does it go?”.
- Depending on how long it takes for my business to create a decent income, I might need to start working. So I might as well get a good-paying job in the law industry.
- Law is EVERYWHERE in today’s world. Seriously, pretty much nothing university is teaching me will be a waste of my time. At the very least, it improves my understanding of legal situations.
- For most of my life, the school was my primary focus. So I always planned to get a degree of some sort. I still want that, even though I might not use it in the end.
As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to still get a degree even though it might not directly be useful for your profession of choice. I think Kimberley Wenya and Monica Yates did the same, by the way.
The important thing is to know that if you don’t want to get a degree, you very often don’t have to.
What about you? How many of these mindsets do you need to overcome in 2021? Are there any other mindsets you want to get rid of?
Comment down below! I’d love to hear your story and your plans for the upcoming year.
I wish you a fantastic rest of the year, and I know that you will smash 2021!