Personal Development

9 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Hufflepuff

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The Harry Potter books and movies don’t focus much on the badgers of Hogwarts. Yet there are so many life lessons we can learn from Hufflepuff.

Let us look at what makes people like Helga Hufflepuff, Newt Scamander, Pomona Sprout, and Cedric Diggory Hufflepffs.

Read also: 11 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Ravenclaw

Read also: 33 Justice Quotes | Quotes About Justice And Fairness

1. Work hard, play hard

Hufflepuffs are hard workers and have no issues putting their blood, sweat, and tears into the task. 

But the badgers are no workaholics and highly value friendships and social interactions. 

That’s why all their hard work is balanced by a flourishing social life.

2. Kindness pays back tenfold

Hufflepuffs have no problem being the one who provides first and takes second. In fact, they often don’t even expect reciprocation. And yet, it tends to find them.

People may not remember the words you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. 

Even just one memory of kindness will make others feel indebted to you or, at the very least, more inclined to help you later, should you need it. 

Think about how Cedric paid back the favor by giving Harry a hint to take a bath with the golden egg. 

Kindness also has a ripple effect outside of the relevant parties. It will give you a better chance of making a good first impression.

Of course, there will always be those who take advantage of your giving nature. 

But if you keep your wits about yourself, those people should be easy to spot and avoid. 

3. There is no need to get upset over small things but if necessary, be ready to unleash the fierce badger within

Everybody thinks Hufflepuffs are a bunch of doofus – gullible, soft, and easy to walk all over. 

And for the most part, their happy nature supports that assumption. 

But never forget that Hufflepuff’s mascot is the badger! When angered, badgers are truly vicious creatures. 

Similarly, you should never push a Hufflepuff too far, or you’ll painfully regret it. 

A life lesson we can learn from Hufflepuffs is that there is no sense in letting insignificant matters upset us. Instead, it’ll only waste energy that could be better occupied in more satisfying ways. 

However, should the time for rage come, allow yourself to unleash hell upon those who’ve crossed you. 

4. Let them underestimate you

Most people crave acknowledgment and attention and want to stand out and be praised for their skills. 

Of course, there is a certain time when you should stand out, during job interviews, for example. 

But being underestimated can have its advantages as well. 

Firstly, you won’t draw as much competition, enabling you to work with less disruption and less stress. 

Secondly, once you do decide to stand out, it will be all the more spectacular because nobody expected it from you. 

Having Cedric as the Hogwarts TWT champion was much more of a surprise than a Gryffindor or Slytherin champion would have been. 

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Seeing Neville suddenly running around with a sword and beheading snakes was far more unsettling than seeing Ron doing that would have been. 

Being underestimated is not bad as long as you know how to show your true potential when it counts. 

5. Always be truthful

Hufflepuffs value truthfulness; only severe circumstances can convince them to lie – for example, in the effort to hide the DA from the pink toad, aka High Inquisitor. 

You might be surprised at how many little white lies you tell others to please people. 

In a way, photoshopped pictures, fake designer clothes, and photoshoots with rented sports cars are all lies people present to the world. 

The problem with lies is that they are often revealed and damage your reputation much more than the truth ever would have. 

So stay truthful, even if it seems hard. 

6. Fight for justice

Justice is one of the topics in which the badgers’ fierceness shines through. 

True Hufflepuffs won’t stand for discrimination, corruption, and unlawfulness. 

They would be the ones organizing demonstrations and pushing for equality.

Just think of Amelia Bones, who tirelessly fights against corrupt politicians and death eaters as the Head of the DMLE. 

7. Hard work alone is not enough

While Helga Hufflepuff’s house is full of hard workers, her students are less outstanding academically than the Ravenclaws or Slytherins.

This is mostly because all that hard work is directed to topics of interest, which are not necessarily the topics they ‘should’ focus on.

Look at Newt Scamander, who cared for little else but his magical creatures. 

Therefore, a life lesson from Hufflepuff is that you need to focus your hard work on the right things, or else you will not get the desired results. 

8. Happiness can be found when you connect with nature

Hufflepuffs are often connected with nature; for example, Pomona Sprout is a herbologist, Newt Scamander is a magi zoologist, and the Hufflepuff dorms are filled with greenery. 

Nowadays, many of us sadly spend little time in or near nature. So it’s time we reconnect with the world around us!

Go and purchase yourself a plant or start taking short walks through nature. Any connection at all can already provide happiness.

9. Patience can prevent a lot of effort and stress

Hufflepuffs are patient. They don’t rush a plant to grow faster but are content to wait for every small change. 

They also show their patience when working with skittish magical beasts. 

In contrast to the often hectic and impatient Gryffindors, the badgers succeed more often on the first try and make fewer mistakes. 

Look at Hermione, who couldn’t wait to study all the elective subjects and ended up burning herself out. Instead, she could have self-studied the subjects during the summer holidays and then taken her OWLs. 

So remember to be patient with the pursuit of your goals. Building a business takes time, as does climbing the corporate ladder and creating a good reputation and a deeply intimate relationship. 

These were the 9 life lessons we can learn from Hufflepuff that I spotted throughout the fandom. So what was your favorite lesson? 

If you are determined to embody the best parts of the Hufflepuff spirit, comment ‘LOYAL.’

Until next time, Felicity Seeker!

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