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Have you ever had doubts about yourself or your ability to succeed? Do you feel like you always lack confidence when it comes to taking a risk or making a big decision? Learning to trust in yourself is not only a practical tool but an important life skill. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can boost your confidence, overcome low self-esteem, and learn to trust in yourself.
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Steps to Building Self-Trust
1. Examine Your Beliefs: Uncovering the Root of Low Self-Esteem
Whether or not you are already aware of it, there must be a deeper reason behind your struggle to trust in yourself.
After all, little children never doubt themself. It is something that is learned as we grow older.
Of course, a certain amount of self-doubt is healthy and aids your self-preservation instincts.
But if you start doubting yourself with little things or things you have done before, that’s a clear sign of an issue that needs solving.
What exactly is the root cause of your low self-esteem? Only you can know. It can be useful to reflect on the moment those doubts first appeared. Do you remember how old you were? What happened during that time?
You could also ask friends or family members for their perspectives or consult a therapist or trained life coach. Unfortunately, things often look clearer from an outside perspective.
2. Setting Boundaries: Establishing Respectful Interactions With Yourself
Clear boundaries are important for building any healthy relationship. Too often, we forget that we not only have relationships with other people but also with ourselves.
As such, we should establish certain boundaries on how we treat ourselves.
One example would be to speak kindly to yourself.
Do you call yourself stupid, ugly, or a loser? Would you call anyone else that to their face? Probably not. Yet you do it to yourself.
This kind of damaging behavior causes your lack of trust in yourself.
If you catch yourself thinking poorly of yourself, make sure to immediately apologize instead of just committing to doing better next time.
For example: When you catch yourself thinking, ‘you are so ugly,’ stop a moment and then think, ‘no, sorry, that’s not true. You are simply having a rough day appearance wise, that happens to everyone.’
3. Reframe Your Thinking and Focus on the Positives
All of us make mistakes at times. Unfortunately, those mistakes are often embarrassing, painful, or annoying.
Because they evoke such strong emotions, they stay in our minds much more than good decisions. That’s why it is much easier to remember situations where you overestimated yourself instead of moments in which the trust in yourself worked out flawlessly.
You need to consciously counteract this flaw of our brains.
The best way to do this is by documenting moments in which you made the right choice. This extra attention will make it easier to remember these moments later on.
Furthermore, the list you create will be reassuring to look at in moments of doubt.
Read also: 9 Ways To Overcome Limiting Beliefs | How to Break Limiting Beliefs
4. Confront Your Fears
Another tip for learning how to trust in yourself is to confront your fears. What would be the worst-case scenario if you trusted yourself with this decision or task and it went wrong?
Does it matter in the long term? Would it help you to do better next time? Do you know of others who have made this mistake? If so, how did it affect them?
In most cases, you will realize that your fear of making mistakes is exaggerated.
Most likely, you are not going into this task unprepared. Instead, you have at least a decent skillset and a well-functioning brain in your head. So you are going to do fine!
And even if things should go pear-shaped, then you can apologize and try again.
5. Practicing Self-Care: Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Soul
How can you trust yourself to accomplish important tasks if you can’t properly care for yourself?
By practicing self-care and keeping your mind, body, and soul in tip-top shape, you prove that you are reliable.
You also put yourself into a state of optimal performance, which increases your chances of making good decisions and avoiding mistakes.
6. Celebrating Success: Acknowledging Your Achievements
Celebrate those moments when you did everything right!
Moments where you surprised even yourself with your competence. And also the moments where you didn’t even consider that anything could go wrong, and as expected, things worked out well.
The more your self-doubt sabotages you, the more you must reward yourself for everything you achieved by having faith in yourself.
This celebration doesn’t need to be big or meaningful. It can be enough to do a happy dance throughout your room or to give the event an extra mention in your daily journaling session.
Just make sure to not brush it aside as if it were unimportant.
7. Cultivate a Supportive Environment and Seek Help When Needed
Nobody ever said you had to do this alone. If you are confronted with a choice or task above your skill level, just ask for help.
You can hire a financial advisor for monetary decisions. For example, if the task seems overwhelming, you can hire a freelancer on Fiverr to design your blog. If you don’t trust yourself not to mess up yet another romantic relationship, you can find a coach or therapist to help you work out the problem.
And let’s not forget your friends and family, who can provide emotional support whenever you don’t trust yourself enough to do something without an accountability buddy.
Of course, to take advantage of such emotional support, you must carefully curate your environment and distance yourself, at least temporarily, from people who lower your self-esteem.
In conclusion, trusting in yourself is a lifelong process that requires effort and dedication but is ultimately rewarding. When you make an effort to boost your confidence, challenge your negative thoughts, and understand the power of positive self-talk, you’ll discover a new level of inner strength and better self-trust. The key is to not be afraid to take chances, remain true to yourself, and develop positive and healthy self-love and self-esteem.
Start your journey of self-trust today by trying out some of the tips outlined in this blog post.
Share what worked for you and the strategies that you feel most comfortable with, then leave a comment and let us know your experience with trusting in yourself.
Until next time, Felicity Seeker!