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We, modern women, don’t just hope we get lucky and succeed. No, we succeed strategically by implementing the habits of successful women.
After all, they have it all figured out. They live the life we want to live in. So we should do what they did to get there.
That’s why I have collected habits of successful women that I have observed over time.
Read also: 17 Ways To Be A Successful Boss Lady
Read also: 16 Habits Of Highly Successful People
Of course, this is no “do or die” list. There are successful women out there who don’t do every single one of these habits or at least don’t practice them without fault.
So rather than taking these habits as a checklist, try to see them as inspiration.
Ask yourself: Would this habit bring me closer to success? How would my daily life change if I practiced this?
Depending on your answers, you will know whether or not to start implementing this habit.

And try to be cautious of your fear-based thoughts. Sometimes our ego gives us fear-motivated answers.
But the key to a fearless life is not to avoid frightening situations; it is to get used to them. After all, fear is essential to growing into the successful woman you want to be.
So should you catch yourself devaluing a habit because you feel uncomfortable doing it, this might be a sign you should tackle exactly this habit first.
Anyway, let’s get into it.
1. A boss lady sets priorities
A crucial habit of boss ladies is to set priorities deliberately. They don’t just let life happen to them and act on the next task they stumble over.
They know precisely which task has priority for them at the moment.
They have realized that the sentence “I don’t have time” is inaccurate.
After all, we all have the same 24 hours in a day, and technically you do have time on hand.
So instead of thinking, “I don’t have time for that,” they make it a habit to think, “this is not a priority right now.”
Changing their mindset gives them more control over their schedule and makes room to consciously prioritize tasks.
2. A Boss Lady has clear boundaries
A boss babe knows her own boundaries and enforces them rigidly. If she doesn’t want to do something, she has no problem saying “NO.”
She knows her worth, and she won’t sell herself short.
If someone crosses her boundaries, she makes sure to let them know.
3. A boss lady takes care of her health
I say it time and time again: Your body is the vehicle that enables you to live life to the fullest.
When was the last time you were grateful for being healthy? For being able to breathe on your own without coughing, for walking wherever you want without some form of aid.
A boss lady appreciates her health endlessly and therefore makes sure to preserve it as long as possible.
That’s why she eats healthy, moves her body regularly, and doesn’t put her body unnecessarily through harmful activities.
4. A boss lady always tries to improve
Boss ladies are students for life. Not only do they keep learning because of the competitive advantage it gives them in their career, but they also enjoy it thoroughly.
They love to gain more and more knowledge that lets them improve every area of their life.
For example, by informing themselves about which hormones and other factors influence acne so that they can get clearer skin. Or how investments work so that they can build an all-weather portfolio. Or how to keep that passion burning in a long-term relationship.
Boss babes always try to learn more and improve in one way or another. They know that there is still a higher level to reach, and they are thrilled to get there.
Read also: Reading List for Personal Growth
5. A boss lady celebrates her successes
At the same time, successful women are careful to never forget to celebrate their accomplishments, no matter how big or small.
Life happens in the now. And while striving for bigger goals provides you with an even greater future, it won’t be of much use if you don’t value it the moment you actually experience it.
That’s why celebrating in some kind of way is so important.
6. Successful women celebrate other peoples success and lift them up
But not only do successful women celebrate their own success. They are just as eager to celebrate other people’s achievements and lift them up further.
As you start working on creating the extraordinary life of your dreams, feelings of jealousy, and envy towards other people, especially women who seemingly have everything that you are dreaming of, are common.
But somewhere along the way, you need to realize that these feelings are no good if they keep holding you back from taking action yourself.
One of the best ways to get rid of these feelings is by reaching out to the people you envy, complimenting them, and lifting them up.
Another impressive benefit is that you will find the empowerment and support reciprocated ten-fold.
By lifting fellow boss babes up, successful women push each other to even greater heights.
7. A successful woman prioritizes herself
Successful women know that to show up as their best version and provide the most value to others, she has to take care of themselves first.
Hustling until you burn out does nobody any good. That’s why successful women make it a habit to take time off to relax, detox digitally, do self-care, and just do what makes them happy without getting any direct outcome.
If her schedule is already full and she knows she’d need to sacrifice some of her me-time to take on a new task/opportunity, a successful woman will most likely sacrifice the task instead of her personal time.
8. A boss babe takes advantage of opportunities
That being said, a boss babe usually does take advantage of the opportunities life presents her with.
Do you know someone who always complains that they are not as lucky as rich people, who get great business opportunities presented on a silver plate?
Well, it’s not that life keeps these opportunities from you. It’s more that you either don’t see them or don’t position yourself in a way that opens the doors for even more opportunities to arrive.
Boss babes have trained themselves to be aware of the opportunities in life. And once they discover an appealing one, they take massive action on it and don’t let it pass them.
After all, no opportunity ever reappears in precisely the same way.
9. A boss babe doesn’t waste time
Time is one of our most precious assets. Once lost, you can’t get it back.
A girl boss knows that her time on this beautiful earth is limited. So she intends to make the most out of it!
She doesn’t waste time on things that don’t make her happy, create drama, or are not producing positive results.
Read also: 15 Ways To Spend Your Time Wisely
10. A girl boss takes time to get to know herself
I am still shocked at how many people think getting to know themselves is cringy or even not possible.
- Do you know what personality type you are?
- Whether you are extroverted or introverted?
- How do you study best?
- When are you the most productive?
- What situations or people trigger you?
- Do you know your strengths and weaknesses?
- Your passions and purpose?
These are all questions a girl boss has an answer to because she takes the time to get to know herself.
After all, there is no other living being on this planet you are spending as much time with as yourself. And considering the nowadays well-established existence of our unconscious, you should realize that there is a lot about you to discover.
Just as you try to learn more about your friends to make them happy and more about your enemies to keep them under control, the same applies to yourself.
So take the time! You’d be surprised how much fun and how interesting it can be!
Some of my favorite resources:
11. A boss babe dresses to impress
Whether you like it or not, clothes matter. They are often one of the first things others notice about us and, therefore, a crucial factor shaping first impressions.
And although we all know not to judge a book by its cover, we can’t help doing so unconsciously.
So to make her life more comfortable, a girl boss takes care to dress appropriately for specific events or people.
All the while, she is not sacrificing her unique style.
It’s a fine line to walk, I am aware of that, and the more unique and unconventional your style is, the more difficult it will be for you to balance this act.
But little actions go a long way. Not wearing ripped jeans to a job interview does a lot to make you look more professional. And sure you might love to wear tight and revealing clothes, but do you have to do that at someone else’s wedding?
You might never know who you could meet today. So always dress to impress!
An interesting blog post about that topic is 101 Things That Happen To You When You Become A Well Dressed Woman.
12. A girl boss creates a life by design every single day
A girl boss knows that her life is in her own hands. Whether she lives a great life full of passion and happiness or a miserable life full of problems is, to a large extent, determined by daily actions.
A girl boss draws comfort in that knowledge and is eager to put it to good use.
Each day for her is a chance to shape her reality into her dream life. She’s not just wishful thinking. She’s knees deep in taking inspired action.
And this, of course, doesn’t just concern career goals but general life and personal growth goals.
But don’t let that fool you from thinking girl bosses do those massive actions every day. It’s much more about consistency in the small steps you take each day.
One big workout won’t give you the body of your dreams. Twenty minutes of working out each day might, though.
It’s just like bulk studying, which we all know isn’t the most effective studying method. You can’t cram in knowledge all at once. You need patience.
So do one little thing each day to create the life of your dreams.
Read also: 18 Powerful Personal Growth Ideas
13. A successful woman embraces her femininity
Many successful women embrace their femininity. They know you don’t need to be masculine to have success in today’s world. You don’t need to work in a masculine way; you can just as well do it in a fiery and fierce feminine way.
Sometimes though, it might be advantageous to tune more into your masculine energy for work.
Whenever they do that, successful women make sure to find the balance again by shedding the masculine and tuning into their feminine when they’re at home and have free time.
Life suddenly becomes so much easier if you are in flow with your feminine energy.
(Should you feel naturally more drawn to your masculine energy, embrace that! There are no one-size-fits-all tips; important is only that you do what feels best to you.)
Read also: 10 Ways To Tune Into Your Feminine Energy
14. A boss lady is honest
Sometimes it may seem as if all the scammers and liars get the success, and the honest, hardworking people are being trampled upon.
Don’t fall for that BS!
Lies and treacherous behavior may succeed in the short term. Still, they cannot provide you with the passionate and fulfilling life you truly desire.
Successful women believe that the good always defeats the bad. And more often than not, and with a bit of patience, they are proven right.
Especially if you are an aspiring online entrepreneur, honesty that builds trust with your audience is absolutely vital for a flourishing business.
15. A boss lady keeps track of her finances
This one is pretty self-explanatory, isn’t it?
It is very dangerous to not know your financial situation and act accordingly.
Successful women don’t accidentally overstep their credit card limits. They don’t wake up one day to the shocking realization they’re almost bankrupt.
They know their status quo, and they plan ahead.
16. A boss lady surrounds herself with likeminded friends
Of course, it can be awesome to have friends with entirely different interests than you.
But it will be difficult at times to connect with them if your vision for life is strikingly different.
Successful women put thought into choosing their friends. They know that the good times should outweigh the bad.
So if someone brings much more drama than happiness into her life, she might take the initiative to distance herself from them.
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Use that information wisely!
I hope you got some inspiration from these habits of successful women.
Don’t tackle all habits at once. Try to implement one at a time, maybe one each month, and you will make stellar progress quicker than you’ll realize it!
Never underestimate the power of habits!
Until next time, Felicity Seeker!