Personal Development

44 Examples Of Life Goals | Life Goals To Set For Yourself

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Life is one big adventure full of exciting milestones to reach. Here are 44 examples of life goals you should consider pursuing and celebrating. 

Read also: 11 Goals For Your Early 20s Bucketlist

Read also: 15 Goals To Work On In The New Year

What are goals?

Goals are dreams with a plan. 

Many people fantasize and daydream about their desire to quit their job, have a sportscar, travel first-class, or meet their soulmate. But that’s about all they do. 

They don’t go through the effort to actually lay out a well-thought-out plan on how to make this desire a reality. 

And because they don’t turn this desire into a goal, it rarely becomes more than a distant dream. 

How to set a goal?

The internet is full of tips on how to set goals so that you actually manage to achieve them. 

Frankly, I feel like all this advice on how to set a goal is used as procrastination on the actual achievement of said goals. 

We should all spend much less time fretting about the how. Instead, we should simply get started and figure things out as we go. 

One rather famous tip is to set S.M.A.R.T goals

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timed

I agree that the goal should be attainable and realistic. Afterall, there is little sense in setting yourself the short-term goal of earning $1 million a month if you can’t even imagine yourself earning $10.000 any time soon. 

That being said, you can still set yourself outrageous long-term goals as long as you spend the meantime focussing on attainable short-term goals. 

These attainable short-term goals will keep you motivated so that, step by step, you can close in on your long-term goal. 

Life goals to set for yourself:

I divided the examples of life goals into categories that I feel represent the different facets of life. 

Work Goals

1. Graduating from school

2. Starting college/university

3. Doing an internship 

4. Getting your college degree

5. Getting your first job

6. Receiving your first paycheck. 

7. Getting promoted/finding a better job

8. Getting a doctorate

9. Getting publicly acknowledged for your work

10. Becoming an expert in your field

11. Leaving your job to go full time in your side hustle

Social Goals

12. Having your first (meaningful) kiss

13. Going on your first date

14. Being in a serious relationship

15. Celebrating your first Valentine’s Day as a couple 

16. Traveling as a couple to a romantic destination

17. Moving in together

Related Post

18. Getting engaged

19. Getting married

20. Becoming parents

21. Having a sleepover with a friend

22. Having had a friend for a decade 

23. Traveling with a friend

Personal Growth Goals

24. Going on a spiritual retreat

25. Finding a good therapist

26. Hiring your first coach

27. Reading 100 personal development books

28. Falling in love with meditation

29. Being able to formulate a clear purpose/mission statement

30. Learning the art of lucid dreaming

31. Accomplishing everything on my vision board

32. Learning to juggle with 3/4/5 balls 

33. Becoming a yogi

Contribution Goals

34. Donating every month for a year

35. Helping to build a house for the poor

36. Providing 100 meals for the less fortunate

37. Working in an animal shelter for at least two weeks

38. Donating 5% of your income 

39. Publishing 100 pieces of free content (Blog posts, Fanfictions, YouTube videos, etc.)

Health Goals

40. Maintaining clear skin

41. Running a marathon

42. Working out 5 days a week for a year 

43. Adjusting to a vegan/vegetarian nutrition 

44. Achieving a toned body

Well, what do you think of these life goals? How many of them have you already accomplished, and which one are you attempting to accomplish next?

Make sure to not only set long-term goals like the ones above. Instead, take the time to set daily, weekly and monthly goals as well!

That way you won’t lose the motivation for your long-term goals. 

As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts on the topic. 

Until next time, Felicity Seeker!

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