Want to build some new good habits but can’t find the motivation to do so? Don’t worry, here are 36 habits quotes that will inspire you to ditch your bad habits.
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“Habits are important. Up to 90 percent of our everyday behavior is based on habit. Nearly all of what we do each day, every day, is simply habit.” – Jack D. Hodge

“Not managing your time and making excuses are two bad habits. Don’t put them both together by claiming you ‘Don’t have the time’.” – Bo Bennett

“Successful people aren’t born that way. They become successful by establishing the habit of doing things unsuccessful people don’t like to do.” – William Makepeace Thackeray

“It’s not about who you are today, it’s about who you want to become and the price you are willing to pay to get there.” ―Tom Bilyeu, Founder Impact Theory

“Psychological studies reveal that 95% of everything we feel, think, do and achieve is a result of a learned habit.” ― Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect

“If your habit doesn’t line up with your dream, then you need to either change your habits or change your dream.” – John Maxwell

“I have learned that champions aren’t just born; champions can be made when they embrace and commit to life-changing positive habits.” – Lewis Howes

“Habits are behaviors that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously. Whether you realize it or not, your life has been, and will continue to be, created by your habits. If you don’t control your habits your habits will control you.” ― Hal Elrod, The Miracle Morning

“And actually, it’s not repetition that creates habits. It’s emotions that creates habits.” ―Rangan Chatterjee

“I realized that success is not a one-time act or a moment of luck and that “Overnight Success” is never true. Success is created through and by creating a habit caused by proper self-discipline.” ― Jan Mckingley Hilado, Rich Real Radical

“Habits gradually change the face of one’s life as time changes one’s physical face; & one does not know it.” ― Virginia Woolf

“First we form habits, then they form us.” ― Mark Matteson, Freedom from Fear

“The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.” – Samuel Johnson

“The problem is that your brain can’t tell the difference between bad and good habits, and so if you have a bad one, it’s always lurking there, waiting for the right cues and rewards.” ― Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit

“The habit of doing more than is necessary can only be earned through practice.” ― Seth Godin

“Good habits are hard to form and easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to form and hard to live with. Pay attention. Be aware . If we don’t consciously form good ones, we will unconsciously form bad ones.” ― Mark Matteson, Freedom from Fear

“Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all the time thing. You don’t win once in a while… you don’t do things right once in a while… you do them right all the time. Winning is habit.” – Vince Lombardi

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Will Durant

“Humans are creatures of habit. If you quit when things get tough, it gets that much easier to quit the next time. On the other hand, if you force yourself to push through it, the grit begins to grow in you.” – Travis Bradberry

“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.” ― Aristotle

“Creativity is a habit, and the best creativity is the result of good work habits.” – Twyla Tharp

“Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.” – Napoleon Hill

“The difference between an amateur and a professional is in their habits. An amateur has amateur habits. A professional has professional habits. We can never free ourselves from habit. But we can replace bad habits with good ones.” – Steven Pressfield

“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” – George Washington Carver

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Ryun

“Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.” – Vince Lombardi

“Positivity is like a muscle: keep exercising it, and it becomes a habit.” – Natalie Massenet

“Doing one thing by yourself, for yourself, that creates joy is such an important habit.” – Jay Shetty

“A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit.” – Desiderius Erasmus

“Make a habit of two things: to help; or at least to do no harm.” – Hippocrates

“Change might not be fast and it isn’t always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped.” – Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit

“You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, ‘I release the need for this in my life’.” – Wayne W. Dyer

“Positive results will come when you start to replace your negative thoughts and habits with positive ones.” ― Robert Tew

“In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” – Tony Robbins

“I can predict the long-term outcome of your success if you show me your daily habits.” – John Maxwell

“Happiness is a habit. Cultivate it.” – Elbert Hubbard

What bad habits do you want to ditch, and what good habits are you trying to build?
Comment ‘CONSISTENCY’ if you are committed to stopping the excuses and taking massive action instead.
Until next time, Felicity Seeker!