Since the first part of this series turned out so well, I decided we needed a second part. After all, it might just be one of these questions that lights a spark in your mind.

It only needs to create one idea, which can change your life forever. I genuinely hope that you will find this one question on this list.
And remember to take your time answering them. That’s how you get the most out of them.
1. What do you hate doing?
What are some tasks that you absolutely hate doing? Once you figure out what they are, you can take some measures to get rid of them.
Maybe you can start to delegate some of them. Either by outsourcing them to a virtual assistant or you could make a deal with a family member to switch tasks.
You can almost always do something against the source of your unhappiness. It all depends on your willingness to act.
2. Who are you admiring? What do they have in common?
Who are the people you admire? You can know them in person; they could be famous or even fictional.
Create a list of the people you admire for one reason or another. Once you have that list, try to find common traits that you admire.
If any of the people you admire are badass entrepreneurs, something inside you craves being an entrepreneur. You would probably thrive with your own business. So why not start one?
If your idols are very confident, work on your confidence. If they are very stylish, improve the choice of your clothes.
It was eyeopening for me to find out the patterns between my seemingly unrelated idols.
3. If I continue doing what I am currently doing, what will my life be like in 5 or 10 years?
Think about it. If you answer something you do not like, do something about it!
You have the power to direct the course of your life. Just take one little step each day.
4. What character traits should the person have, with whom I spend my life with?
The sexual attraction is great and undoubtedly important, but it is definitely not the most essential trait of your partner.
To avoid drama and regrets later on in life, you should become absolutely clear on the most important character traits you want your partner to have.
If you love traveling all around the world, but your boyfriend/girlfriend absolutely hates it, do you really expect a fulfilling relationship?
You and your significant other should share a similar vision for life. Otherwise, you won’t both be able to pursue the life of your dreams.
5. What can I be grateful for?
Everything! Of course I want you to be a bit more specific with your answer, but basically, you can be grateful for everything.
Be grateful for your heartbeat, for each breath you take, for the weather, for your favorite outfit, for the car that brings you everywhere, for the public transportation that is available to you, for the opportunity to get an education, for the internet, for incredible movies and series and music, etc.
Whenever you feel down, you should search for things you can be grateful about. Suddenly, the situation won’t feel as bad anymore, because there is so much good around you.
Gratitude is the fuel for a happy life.
6. In what way are my friends and family influencing me?
Analyze the way your family and friends make you feel. Do you feel empowered after talking to them, or do you feel insecure and doubtful?
Once you become clear on the impact your family and friends have on you, you can make better decisions.
Maybe you need to stop spending so much time with some people, or you should stop talking with them about specific topics.
Maybe, you should spend way more time with them! One of your greatest assets is a supporting peer group.
7. Am I feeling physically and mentally healthy?
Sometimes we forget to analyze our wellbeing. Did you notice yourself having a headache more often? Or are you always bloated?
We tend to think just because something is common means it is normal. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.
If you are not feeling well physically or mentally, there is something you should fix. The signs your body gives you is like your personal doctor. You just need to listen to that doctor and either find the solution yourself or go to a specialist who will find it for you.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, so look after yourself!
8. What do I care more about: How my life looks or how it feels?
This question is especially important in our social media age. Millions of people are staging a perfect life for their social followings when, in reality, not everything is as rosy as they make people believe it is.
Are you doing certain things just because they look good in the eyes of other people or because they make you feel good?
9. Why not me?
The wise Jim Rohn asked the following two questions.
Whenever you have a dream, but doubts start to creep in, ask yourself: Why not me?
Seriously, why shouldn’t you be able to do this? There have been poorer, uglier, dumber or other more disadvantaged people than you, who were able to do even more incredible things. So what should stop you other than yourself?
10. Why not now?
We always want to wait for the right time to do challenging things. We tell ourselves that we’ll do it tomorrow, next week, next month or next year.
But the longer we wait, the more doubts start to fill our minds and the harder it will be to start. And in the end, on that date we set ourselves, we won’t be much more ready than we are right now.
So why not now? Stop procrastinating and take the first little step, no matter how tiny it is!
11. Is this in my control?
If not, surrender and let it go. Why worry about things you cannot control? It doesn’t help you or the situation you are worried about.
Ask yourself this question whenever you feel your emotions get the better of you. I am sure it will make your life much more enjoyable.
12. Would my ideal partner want someone like me?
Having high standards for a partner for life is justified. However, you should also be realistic. Would your dream man/woman want someone like you?
If you want someone who is very healthy and muscular, you should probably work on being fit yourself.
If you want a masculine boyfriend, you should work on raising your feminine energy. If you are struggling with that, check out 10 Ways To Tune Into Your Feminine Energy.
Instead of hunting for your soul mate, why not spend the time improving yourself. If the time is right, the right person will come. The only thing you have to do is being ready for them.
13. If you had to spend the rest of your life in one job and couldn’t retire, what career would you choose? Would it be your current one?
Sadly, the majority of people on our planet work in a career that they do not like.
Especially the people in developing countries have little other choice but to keep working to bring food on the table.
However, if you are reading this, you probably live in a wealthy country, and in countries like ours, people do have a multitudinous choice of jobs.
Unfortunately, most people are afraid of taking risks in exchange for greater happiness, so day in day out they wait for the time to pass until they can finally retire.
But what would happen, if there was no retirement? How would people choose their careers if they had to work in it until the end of their days?
How would you choose?
14. How would you behave if nobody was capable of judging you?
How would you go about your day, if humans were genetically unable to judge you?
Would you wear something more revealing? Would you finally change your hair color or get that piercing?
What about your career choices? If people couldn’t judge you, would you start that YouTube Channel?
Once you realize in what areas of your life the fear of judgment is holding you back, you might realize how stupid it is. Maybe that is the final push you need to go after your dreams.
15. What makes you, you?
What is unique about you? Name the characteristics and interests or anything at all, that separates you from John or Jane Doe.
Whether it is your freckles, your dark humor, or your fondness of pickles with chocolate, your uniqueness is your advantage.
Never try to hide what makes you weird. If you openly embrace your uniqueness and build your success on it, you will never have to worry about competition. After all, nobody can be you!
I hope you find some life-changing answers to these fifteen questions. You might want to review them at least once every year.
You will have different answers to them in the various stages of your life.
With that, I wish you much fun creating the extraordinary life of your dreams!
I believe in you!