Your life changes in many ways once you start building an online business.
Although we all are having a vastly different business journey, our experiences very often are similar.
Below I’ve listed 21 Life Changes that I have noticed happening for me ever since I started building my online business.
Please comment down below and tell me whether or not you can relate. Also, feel free to share your own experiences. What changed for you?
Read also: 55 Things That Happen During Your Personal Development Journey
Read also: 9 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Business
1. You are looking for ways to provide value all day every day
2. Therefore you suddenly stumble over ideas randomly
3. You appreciate the value others offer much more
4. Therefore you are much more willing to pay the actual price of their products or services instead of looking for coupons
5. You notice the underlying intentions behind website designs, e-mails and more
6. You shake your head at poorly optimized websites
7. You find yourself analyzing the marketing strategies of websites you stumble upon in daily life
8. You become much more critical towards the educational system, since the vast majority of the things it taught you are of no use to you.
9. You don’t stress yourself so much about your grades because you are your own employer and you know your abilities
10. You realize that being wealthy is much easier than many people make it out to be
11. You can’t understand how people can keep complaining about their 9-to-5 yet they don’t take the chance to build an online business
12. You seldom run out of content ideas, which is a pleasant surprise since you were worried about being able to come up with regular content.
13. There are seemingly infinite things you’d like to work on in your business, but you never have time to do it all
14. But because you enjoy working on your business so much, you even work on the weekends or the holidays
15. While at the beginning you were a bit reluctant to tell people about your business, the more it grows and the more success you have, the more confident you become
16. You surprise people by telling them all about how Google, Instagram & Co. actually work.
17. The more successful you get, the more people are coming to you and asking for your advice … even those who had laughed at your endeavors at the beginning
18. You start to make new friends that have their own online business
19. Simultaneously you let go of some friends who don’t share your drive for freedom in life
20.The more you earn, the less you care about money and the more freely you give your services, products, and content to others