Journaling is a highly underestimated tool for personal growth. With the right journal prompts, you can reinvent yourself from the inside out.
That being said, not everyone takes to journaling immediately.
I always feel like you can’t really force yourself to journal and expect a valuable outcome.
If I don’t feel like it, I journal poorly and ineffectively.
That’s why I wanted to deliver you multiple journal prompts that have the potential to light that spark of transformation inside you.
Read through them all and start with those that interest you the most – but beware, some of them are meant to be answered in order (you’ll understand which ones easily).
Alternatively, if you really don’t find it in yourself to journal, don’t dismiss those journal prompts quickly!
Very often, I swap journaling for talking to myself about those prompts. That’s how I often come to great solutions to any problems I have to solve or decisions I have to make.
Just try it out.
Read also:
1. What talents do you have that you’d typically brush under the table?
When someone asks you about your talents, you are probably thinking about ordinary things like drawing, dancing, writing, or the like.
But try to think outside the box for a moment. You do have talents! You just most likely don’t consider them as such.
A few examples:
- Anticipating plot twists
- Being so imaginative you start to laugh out loud at your daydreams
- Never forgetting where you parked your car
- Looking at things objectively
2. If from tomorrow morning on, you’d had to dedicate your life to one occupation that is of value to humanity, what would you choose to do?
Honestly, imagine you are in that situation. There is no possibility of changing your decision later on.
What would you choose?
If you can’t think of anything, write down the things that come closest to it.
3. What challenges/problems in your life have you overcome/solved?
Again, you are most likely not aware of the many problems you have solved in your life.
We all go through struggles inevitably. Life is full of them.
So which ones have you successfully overcome?
A few examples:
- acne
- allergies
- learning difficulties
- Sleeping difficulties
- Studying for a difficult degree
4. How can you teach others to do the same – through text, video, or audio?
Now that you know about the struggles you’ve overcome, you also know that you do have some expertise to teach others.
You might still doubt that, but imagine if someone would have told you at the beginning of the problem everything you’ve learned so far about it.
Would it have helped you even just the slightest bit?
Most likely.
So why would you try to withdraw that opportunity from others?
Go out there and talk about the things you’ve learned!
Start a blog, youtube channel, podcast, or whatever.
You don’t have to do it to build a 6-figure business (although you could).
Primarily do it to help people and learn how to write blog posts or edit videos and podcasts.
Before you know it, you will have other expertise to teach.
5. Why are you worthy? Which of your character traits make out your self worth? What do you bring to the table?
Self-worth is a tricky topic.
In essence, most of us probably think we have good self-worth. Yet when we genuinely dig down to the core of it and ask ourselves exactly why we are worthy, we struggle to answer.
Make a list. Write about all the things you bring to the table, all the things that determine your self-worth.
You should cover all areas from career, finances, romantic and social relationships, mind and body, spirituality, and contribution.
I urge you to push yourself.
When you feel like you can’t come up with anything anymore, try to find at least 2-3 more characteristics that make you worthy.
6. What did your mother/father/another essential family member you grew up with believe about money and people with money?
You might never have considered it, but your family’s beliefs around money have shaped you significantly, whether you want it or not.
So what did/do they believe about money and people with money?
Did you grow up hearing things like ‘money doesn’t grow on trees‘ or ‘money is the root of all evil‘?
7. Which of these beliefs did you adopt?
8. In what way do they impact your life? What decisions are based on those beliefs?
What are the thoughts that go through your head when:
- you want to buy food
- you would love to buy a toy for leisure
- you see rich people with bags full of purchases
- you see expensive cars
9. Should you let go of some of them?
Be honest with yourself. Are those beliefs of use to you? Have you ever heard of financially successful people that have that belief?
10. What are you insecure about?
List everything here, no matter how insignificant it may seem.
11. Do you have reason to feel that way?
I know that logic is not a very effective way to get over insecurities, but sometimes it does help diminish them at least a bit.
So, has anyone ever even commented on that trait that you are insecure about?
If so, did they do it just because they were emotional and wanted to insult you, or was it an honest critique?
12. Are there people just like that, that you look up to?
Especially with physical traits like crooked noses or thin lips, it is pretty easy to find some celebrity that you would consider as beautiful that has this specific trait.
13. What first tiny step can you take to diminish that insecurity?
Think about the tiniest step possible.
The tinier the step, the easier it will be for you to get started on this topic.
14. What troubles your mind currently? What weighs you down?
Writing down and articulating your worries is the first step to releasing them.
15. How can you make it just a little bit better?
Again, think about the tiniest step you could take towards a slightly better future.
You might find that step ridiculously tiny but do it anyway. Only then can you take the next tiny action and the next and the next.
16. What has been annoying you that you consider just a “normal” part of life?
I’m thinking of things like PMS or taking ages to read through a textbook.
17. Does everyone suffers from this annoyance, or is it merely common?
Just because many other people have the same struggle doesn’t mean you should settle with it.
Just because something is common doesn’t mean it is normal!
You deserve better! The first step for this is noticing that what you currently experience is unacceptable for the extraordinary life you are striving for.
18. How can you take one tiny step closer to the lives of those who don’t have to bother with this annoyance/problem?
There are always people who are one step ahead of you and have stuff figured out.
So, what are they doing differently? How can you copy them?
Make an action plan!
19. Who are your idols? Who do you envy? List them all!
It doesn’t matter whether they are famous or not.
20. Why exactly do they fascinate you so much? What is it that you envy about them and their lifestyle? List everything!
Try to be as specific as possible.
Do you like that they are smart and strategic, that they have found their soulmate, that they have a ragingly successful business, that they drive expensive cars, or what has caught your interest?
21. What are the common factors between those people?
Now that you know all the things that make you admire and envy those people compare the items on your list.
What are the common factors that draw you to them?
Are they all musicians, athletes, or do they all have dogs? Find the things that cause your envy.
At one point, I suddenly noticed that all the people in series and movies that I was fascinated with shared many similar characteristics.
That realization can be immensely eye-opening because it tells you more about what you actually want in life, whether you’ve consciously noticed it before or not.
22. How can you get one tiny step closer to being like that or having this life yourself?
And again, determine the tiniest step you can take in the direction of acquiring one of these traits or items.
And when I say tiny, I mean tiny.
For example, if working out each morning is your goal, the tiniest habit to start implementing is putting out your workout gear.
The next tiny habit would be putting those clothes on each morning.
Then going to or setting up the place of your workout.
And then starting the workout.
Then doing it for 3 minutes, then 5, then 10, …
It might seem ridiculous, but those tiny, tiny goals turned into habits that can bring you much faster to the end goal than having to convince yourself to take a big step.
23. How can I be more organized?
The creators of Transform Your Wealth taught me that money flows to where it’s organized most.
So, how organized are you in your life and especially in your finances?
Where could you improve?
24. How can I be more focused?
Focus is a crucial component of any endeavor to succeed.
So you should regularly ask yourself, how can you be more focused?
Perhaps taking up a regular meditation practice would help. Or you could reduce your screen time.
Just find one thing and implement it from today on.
25. How can I be more disciplined?
Even the most perfect life is full of things we don’t feel like doing.
Even though I am all about being in the flow, even I know that sometimes you need raw self-disciple to get sh#t done.
So be honest with yourself – where could you improve on that?
26. How would I feel once I’ve reached that goal?
This journal prompt will introduce you to the art of scripting.
The goal here is to write as if you’ve already accomplished that goal.
Imagine yourself in that situation. How would you feel? What would you do? Where would you be? What would you think?
Try to put as much emotion in there as possible.
You should really feel it. Mere thinking is not enough.
Try to make yourself laugh out loud or shed tears of gratitude. Give it everything you’ve got.
27. What would my next goal be?
Often we delay our plans until something has happened. We don’t dare dream about them because we don’t want to be disappointed should we never get the opportunity to act out on our dreams.
Well, right now, I want you to allow yourself to dream.
What would you do once you’ve accomplished the goal on your list?
For example, once I get a certain amount of monthly blog visitors, I will apply to an ad network. And once they have accepted me, I will use the money to start a YouTube channel.
So, what about you? What are your next steps?
Dare to forget for a moment that you are not there yet and allow yourself to plan out your next steps.
I hope you found some aha moments in these journal prompts.
I advise you to revise them every now and then. At different times these questions will bring out various realizations.
Until next time!