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Increasingly more people take the step into the unknown and are becoming entrepreneurs nowadays.
They decided they don’t want to settle for the “normal” jobs our educational systems prepare us for. Instead, they want to have full control over their life.
If you are reading this, you might have taken the first step on this business journey or considering taking that leap of faith.
In whatever situation you are, I’ve collected some of the signs I have come across in other entrepreneurs and myself that seem to cut us out as entrepreneur material.
Ready to learn if you are one of us?
Read also: 9 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Business
Read also: 22 Quotes For Successful Women and Female Entrepreneurs
1. The concept of a 9 to 5 doesn’t appeal to you
Your alarm rings. You get out of bed and make yourself ready for the day. At 8 o’clock, you walk into the office and hustle for a few hours. Then you take a lunch break and hustle some more until at 4 pm you leave work and relax at home.
The next four days, it’s rinsed and repeat.
Sounds exciting? Nah, not really.
What if you are more of a morning person and would like to start working at, let’s say 6 am? Or if you are a night owl and instead want to start at 10 am?
What if a nasty headache starts to develop during the day, and you’d love to just go home early?
What if you’d like to take holidays at a specific time, but another colleague has already reserved that spot for himself?
If you are an online entrepreneur, you won’t have those issues most of the time, if you set up your business the right way.
Sure sometimes you may have specific commitments and people that rely on you. But generally, you are much more flexible with your schedule, enabling you to be more spontaneous.
If you like someone else structuring your life for you because otherwise, you’d be all over the place, then a 9-to-5 is probably the right choice for you.
If you are more of an independent spirit that values freedom, an online business with passive income must seem very appealing to you.
2. You want to solve problems
I like to believe that humans are creative creatures. We are meant to create things.
Not just typical “creative” stuff like drawings, music, movies, or stories. But also solutions, inventions, and innovations. That’s what lights us truly up!
Yet a lot of jobs seem very repetitive. Like work that could very well be done by a machine. No wonder those jobs never truly fulfill anyone.
Entrepreneurs are creators and problem solvers. They can feel deeply fulfilled about their day to day work and don’t have to fear being replaced by a machine.
3. You feel like there must be more to life than work and holidays
I always have to cringe internally when I hear adults talking how they wish it was the weekend or their holidays or how they wish those things wouldn’t end so soon.
I find that unbelievably sad. To spend most of your time for maybe 40 years or so doing something you wish you weren’t doing with the only light at the end of the tunnel being your weekend and holidays.
I’d like to have a job that blurs the lines between work and weekend. I want a job that excites me so much that I can’t wait to do it again. That I might even do it on the weekend or during the holidays if I feel inspired to do so.
A job that doesn’t feel like it’s robbing me of the things that I genuinely enjoy because it is one of those things. A job that enables me to make time for other things in my life if I want to, no matter if it’s the weekend or not.
If you feel the same way, entrepreneurship might just be for you.
4. You are willing to work hard
A lot of things seem more comfortable with owning your own business. At the same time, other things can be more challenging than working a regular 9-to-5.
For one, being an entrepreneur means to actually work.
I can’t even tell you how many people I know or have heard of that don’t actually work at work but merely try to pass the time doing god knows what.
One thing’s for sure, this tactic won’t work out in your own business!
Because unlike a typical job, you won’t have a colleague with a great work ethic who basically works for two.
As an entrepreneur, you can’t just pretend you’ve worked the whole day because you will see the real results of that very soon.
Your business will soar or crumble, depending on your work ethic. If you are not ready to put your head down and actually get to work, you should rather stay in a 9-to-5 and hope nobody catches you online shopping during work hours.
5. You are willing to take responsibility
Another thing that separates entrepreneurship from many 9-to-5 jobs is the amount of responsibility you have to take.
You can somewhat see this in higher-level managers. At least here in Germany, they can sometimes be sued for mistakes that happen, where most people would usually blame the idiot who messed up and not the one who gave him the task. But that’s what comes with a higher paycheck.
As an entrepreneur with your own business, you can only blame yourself for things that go wrong. Even if one of your assistants messes up, you have to ask yourself if you’ve made a wrong decision with choosing them for the task.
You can’t blame anyone else. Are you ready to take responsibility like that?
6. You are willing to take calculated risks
As an entrepreneur, you are the one calling the shots. You have to take certain risks to grow your business.
Of course, this doesn’t mean betting all you have on one horse and blindly hoping for success.
No, great entrepreneurs take well-calculated risks.
If you are too much focused on security, this might not be your calling.
7. The people you look up to don’t have a typical job
That’s one of the things I’ve noticed about myself. All the people I highly admire and that inspire me are not working in a 9-to-5.
What about you? Do you admire top lawyers, politicians, CEO’s, or scientists? Or do you admire YouTubers, investors, bloggers, coaches?
Without you consciously noticing it, you are automatically drawn to the people you’d like to be like.
If there are a lot of entrepreneurs among them, this might be your calling.
8. You are sick of having to depend on other people paying you
It can be annoying to be paid by others. You have only limited control over when that payment happens and how much you are going to earn.
You might even work much more than your colleagues, but you still earn the same amount of money.
And when is the right time to ask for a raise?
As an online entrepreneur, you have more power over how much and when you are earning money.
Sure, you still depend on others paying you for your services or products. But if you put the correct systems into place, you can make that money overnight each and every day.
And if you want to earn more money, you can promote more, create more products or build another business.
9. You have never felt comfortable inside the educational system
Many students dislike or even hate school. I wasn’t one of them. I actually liked school and I more or less like uni as well.
But for someone who as never felt like they could fit into this educational system, entrepreneurship might just be the perfect escape from this typical roadmap in life.
10. You have no desire to retire
Most people who subscribe to life with a typical 9-to-5 always seem terribly excited about retirement.
To me, it sounds dreadful. I’d be bored out of my mind. I don’t want to just chill for the last decades of my life!
I want to do things that I love to do. I want to make an impact. And why wait to do that in retirement when I can build a whole life around that?
A life I don’t want to retire from.
With my own business I don’t have to.
On the other hand, in some of those 9-to-5 jobs, it’s understandable that they won’t let you work until you are 90 years old.
I mean, I think we’d all be a bit uncomfortable at the thought of a 90-year-old surgeon or pilot.
But with your own business, you can make the rules.
Well? Did you recognize yourself in some of these points?
Are there any more entrepreneur-to-be signs you can think of? Tell me in the comments below!
And please take this with a grain of salt. It doesn’t mean you can’t be a fantastic entrepreneur if you fit into none of these things.
Keep chasing your dream life!