Boss Lady

7 Steps Of My Boss Lady Morning Routine | 7 Morning Habits

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A good morning routine is essential for a successful and happy boss lady day.

Your morning routine can lift your spirits, and it can also tune your mindest for high vibrational thoughts throughout the day.

I don’t even need to prove this scientifically to you. I am sure you have experienced those mornings where everything goes utterly wrong.

First, you get abruptly ripped out of your sleep by that annoying alarm. Then you stumble out of bed and hit your toe.

And just like that, you start all grumpy and frustrated into the day.

Starting the day off on the right foot is crucial because it sets the tone for the rest of it.

Also, after going through your morning routine on autopilot, you will already have accomplished a few things, and you can tick them off your to-do list. Is there a better way to start the day?

That’s why I decided to share my boss lady morning routine with you. I’ve been following this particular routine for quite a while now.

Every now and then, I change a component of it, but it always stays the same in its essence.

This is the routine that gets me into those boss lady vibes. Afterward, I feel motivated and ready to rock the day and enjoy it!

I hope my routine gives you some inspiration for your own. But please remember not to copy it blindly!

Embracing your feminine energy means being intuitive and going with the flow. So don’t force somebody else’s habits on you. Only adopt those that you feel aligned with.

And with that, let’s get into it.

1. Waking up at 5am

My mornings start at 5 AM. This has nothing to do with the whole ‘you should wake up at 5 AM’ trend that’s going on online. 

I started waking up at 5 AM many years ago before I was even aware of this trend.

That doesn’t mean I always stay awake every single day. In fact, for many years, I liked to do a short morning routine and, after an hour or so, lie back down for a little bit longer. 

However, it is so much harder to get out of bed the second time, and you basically have to go through the whole “waking up” process once more. So I don’t do it anymore. Once I wake up, I am awake for good.

A few years ago, I also started waking up at 5 AM on the weekends. 

I simply noticed that it became much more comfortable for my body to wake up at that time every single day. After all, your body doesn’t know a weekend. 

But why should you wake up so early? 

For one, it gives you sufficient time to get a lot of stuff done before the “actual” day starts, and you have to deal with other people. 

If you want to go deeper on this topic, you should check out 7 Hacks That Help Me To Wake Up At 5 AM and 8 Benefits Of Waking Up Early.

2. Gratitude + Affirmations

The second part of my morning routine happens straight after getting out of bed. 

For a long time, I used to do this at a later point. But then I read that your brain is most receptive during the first 30 minutes after waking up. So what better time to feed it with gratitude and affirmations? 

What I do is very simple. I take out my journal and write down 3 things I am grateful for and 3 affirmations (something I want to manifest but written in the present tense as if it were real already). 

I try to be grateful for different things every day, so I am often thankful for something that happened the previous day. But, of course, I also write about recurring topics, like: 

  • I am unbelievably grateful for my gorgeous curls.
  • I am incredibly thankful for my business.
  • I am very grateful for my family and friends.

After that, I write three sentences about things I want to manifest. These are the same every day until it manifests or an event passes. 

I believe it’s essential not to mindlessly scribble something down when doing this. Instead, try and feel the emotions you would be feeling when your wish comes true.

3. Energy work through visualization

This is my newest addition to my boss lady’s morning routine. It was inspired by Elise from House of Brazen. 

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What I do is very easy. I close my eyes and try to visualize myself in the first-person view living the things or situations I am trying to manifest. 

So for my business, I am, for example, imagining writing content, recording a podcast, and seeing my website stats growing. 

I sometimes do this for five minutes with a timer, or I simply do it as long as it takes to visualize my primary goals. 

And again, I put it into that first 30 minutes time frame of the day to achieve optimal results. 

Also, be careful to try and feel the feelings of having reached that goal.

4. Breakfast + series

After that, I indulge in my long-time favorite muesli (seriously, I should switch it up, it’s been the same one for faaaaaaarrr too long ^^’) and continue to watch an episode of some series.

Yes, I know it’s probably not one of the best things to do in the morning.

But to be honest, there are currently only two times when I allow myself to watch a series, which is during breakfast and dinner (if I am eating alone, of course).

Other than that, I don’t watch any movies or series throughout the day.

So I basically only spend around 30-60 minutes a day on Netflix & Co.
(Which also means I sometimes watch one movie over three days ^^’)

But, yeah, since I am not willing to waste time during the day but still love my series, I found this to be the best solution.

5. Learning French

After finishing breakfast, I go into my RosettaStone account and do one module of French.

Last year I decided to learn French. But between studying law, building a business, doing personal development, working out, and having some free time, I don’t really have much time to invest in that.

That’s why I only spend 10-20 minutes in the morning doing one module.

BUT I have been scaringly consistent with it!

I started doing this on January 1st, and I have been doing it daily for over a year now, except on days I was traveling. I can probably count the number of days I skipped this habit on my hands.

That’s a pretty good statistic! And even though I cannot hold a fluent conversation in French yet, I am making steady progress.

So if you have a similar skill you want to learn, maybe you can squeeze in a few minutes into your morning routine. Otherwise, it will probably get lost in the daily hustle.

6. Workout

Following my French lessons is my workout of the day, just to give you some time frame; this happens between 6:30 AM – 7:30 AM. 

And I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing it feels to be done with my workout before 8 AM! 

I used to work out around 9 AM as a break between study sessions. But doing it even before starting studying is so much more aligned with me. 

It gives me a real feeling of accomplishment! 

7. Reading

And lastly, I like to read 30 minutes to 1 hour in my current non-fiction book. That way, I always have at least a bit of personal development in my day and won’t need to worry about it later. 

Read also: Reading List for Personal Growth.

I hope this gave you some inspiration for your own boss lady morning routine.

I should also mention that I will spend more or less time with the latter habits depending on the day.

If I have a lecture first thing in the morning, I usually don’t have time to read and need to cut my workout short or postpone it.

I try to go with the flow every day.

I wish you a fantastic day or night wherever you are!

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