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There are times in life when you are simply feeling lost. For example, you might be unhappy with your current situation but don’t know what exactly you want instead.
Or you might have figured out what you want but have no idea how to get there or if you are on the right track.
Most people seem to think that being lost is a feeling we encounter during a few big moments in our life.
For example, after you leave school and decide on a career or during a midlife crisis.

However, personally, I’ve made the experience that feeling lost is not a once in a decade feeling.
For me, it’s something I am regularly dealing with as I try to create the life of my dreams.
This blog is part of that journey. But as I work on it every day, I sometimes feel uncertain if this is really worth it. I wonder whether this blog is getting me to where I want to be.
As I am currently going through a wave of feeling lost again, I thought it would be the perfect time to share some tips with you on how to get over it.
1. Find inspiration
One thing that always helps me when I feel lost is inspiration. Try to watch motivating YouTube videos, read an inspiring blog post, and listen to personal development podcasts.
Those things never fail to inspire me. These sources are so packed full of passion and ideas that at least one of them will inspire you.
And as always, I can only recommend you check out my Reading List for Personal Growth. The books on this list are all highly inspiring.
You could also find inspiration by talking to new people. I am always surprised by the many exciting things I get from conversations with people I usually don’t talk to.
Read also:
2. Change your routine
I am very much a routine kind of person.
I wasn’t even aware I was having routines for a long time until I discovered the massive niche of “routines” (My fall nighttime routine, my 5 AM routine, etc.).
And while routines are not only effective but can certainly also bring a lot of joy, they contain the danger of making our life dull. Because as Tony Robbins has discovered, one of our six basic human needs is variety.
When every day starts to feel the same, many of us begin to feel a bit lost in life.
For me traveling has always been a time to overthink my current situation and my goals in life. And when you think about it, it makes sense.
Traveling very suddenly rips you out of the routines you’ve been following for weeks or maybe even months.
Your brain gets the variety it needs and starts working differently. Once you get back home, you likely feel less lost and have found some new inspiration and motivation to tackle your goals.
But you don’t have to go abroad to achieve this change in routine. There are many opportunities to make small changes in our daily routines.
For example, you could drive a different route to work, or you could study in the library instead of your bedroom, or you could exchange Netflix time for Podcast time.
If you keep your mind and eyes open, you will find many opportunities for such micro shifts.
Read also: 11 Microshifts That Will Improve Your Life In The Longrun
3. Write about it
As you probably know by now, if you are a true Felicity Seeker, I am a big advocate of the power of journaling.
Journaling not only helps me declutter my mind and feel more at ease, but it also helps me work through my emotions and thoughts.
I believe this is incredibly helpful, especially for us Felicity Seekers who commit to personal growth.
Because even though personal development has become more accessible through Tony Robbins and other prominent figures, only a small part of our society is involved in it.
And because self-help makes you grow so much as a person, it often gets more difficult to connect with the people around you.
We Felicity Seekers have huge goals – insane goals if you ask most people.
I am not implying that people who improve themselves are better than those who don’t, but they simply look at the world differently.
And if you have nobody in your inner circle who you can connect with on that level, journaling can become your safe haven.
Writing your thoughts and emotions down helps you express them, work through them, and release them. This enables you to get out of feeling lost in life.

4. Know you are not alone
I know this sounds very cliche and doesn’t necessarily help the situation. But often, we suffer more because of how we beat ourselves up for feeling lost than from the actual emotion itself.
Always remember it’s ok to feel lost. It doesn’t matter if you feel like that once a week, once a month, or once a decade. Remember that others are going through the same thing at this very moment.
And there have been others before you who overcame that feeling; this is normal!
If they can do it, so can you!
5. Change your mindset – Feeling lost is a good thing
Even better than knowing that others are feeling just as lost as you are, is the knowledge that this depressing feeling can actually be a good thing.

Feeling lost often precedes the most significant growth in life.
So don’t see it as a bad thing but be excited for what comes afterward.
You can expect greater clarity and purpose in life and, as a result, more happiness, success, and calmness.
6. Have patience
Lastly, the most annoying tip nobody ever wants to get is patience.
In a world where almost everything can be had on demand, patience has become a rare virtue. But it is a significant one as it can help you on so many occasions in life.
In this case, don’t despair over feeling lost. This, too, will pass.
As long as you acknowledge the feeling and try to work through it, you will come out on the other side.
Have faith.