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It can be frustrating and very confusing when you have tons of Pinterest impressions, yet barely any traffic to your website.
I’ve been there myself. At one point, I had over 2m impressions yet barely 20 daily website visitors. How could that be?
Obviously, I had to be doing something wrong! I figured out my most significant issue on my own, but to be on the save side I also purchased the Pinfinite Growth Course.
In this article, I want to share with you the pitfalls I have discovered you can make that will give you tons of impressions yet no traffic.
1. You are pinning too much of other people’s content
Alright, first things first, you need to be pinning pins that actually link to your website.
I know it sounds obvious, but it isn’t. I know how easy it can be to get wrapped up in pinning only 2 out of 20 pins from your own website. Because after all, it seems like you are pinning a ton of content. And basically, you are … just not content that will help grow your traffic.
And I get it, it can be challenging to create so many pins. Especially if you don’t have much content yet.
In the beginning, I created one pin for each blog post. Later on, I raised that number to three per post. Nowadays, I create nine pins for each blog post I make!
With one blog post per week, that’s 36 pins a month. In addition to that, I use Tailwinds Smart Loop feature to repin a couple pins a day.
That nicely adds up to the right amount of my own pins daily.
And if you are at the very beginning of content creation and therefore don’t have many pins to loop, I recommend to just pin less in general.
Don’t feel the need to pin 20 times a day when you can’t pin at least 10 of your own images.
You should then instead pin 10 times a day with 5 of your own pins. That way, they won’t drown in between all of the other people’s pins you are pinning.
2. You are pinning quotes
That was by far my biggest pitfall. I pinned a ton of motivational and inspirational quotes, be it my own or others.
Read also: The 5 Biggest Pinterest Mistakes I Made In The Beginning
Why? Well, because they kinda fit into my niche and I adore quotes like that.
And the results were crazy high impressions and a considerable amount of saves of my own pins.
But that’s already it. Barely any link clicks and, therefore scarcely any traffic. But if you think about it, it makes sense, doesn’t it?

How many times have you looked for and saved quotes on Pinterest? And how many times did you actually click on their link?
Out of all the quotes I look at on Pinterest, I maybe click through on 0.2% or so. And that’s also only on those accounts whose quotes I really really like.
And doesn’t that make sense? After all, I already got what I wanted; the quote. Pretty much the only thing else I could want are more quotes, and well, those are on Pinterest.
3. You are pinning infographics
Personally, I see the same problem with infographics despite them being liked a lot by marketers.
I know that I rarely click through on the infographics that I see on Pinterest.
They already tell me the most important things. So why should I spend the time to click through?
What’s so tragic about that is the fact that creating an infographic takes so much more time than a quote.
You really don’t want to waste your time like that if it doesn’t convert to traffic.
4. Your Pins are eyecatching, yet the topic is not interesting enough
Sometimes you do create stunning and eyecatching pins that get a ton of impressions, yet nobody clicks on the link.
Why is that? Simple: They are not interested in the topic.
I see it time and time again. There are simply some topics that do incredibly well, and others don’t.
All kinds of “habit pins” do pretty well, for example.
You can do some research on different topics that are popular and create blog posts and pins about them to increase your traffic. Of course, you don’t want to be just mainstream, but it’s beneficial to have those few high converting pins that drive traffic to your site.
You can do your research with Google keywords or Ubersuggest or simply by analyzing what kind of pins do well with your Pinterest analytics.
5. You don’t give them a reason to click through
Sometimes a little demand or offer prompts people to click through. So try to play around with adding phrases like “click here!”, “Click through”, “free worksheet,” “free course” to your pin designs.
Some Examples…

6. You need to have patience
Lastly, you do need to have patience with Pinterest. It is a search engine, after all. The results won’t come overnight.
I, for example, am currently seeing a steady increase in my daily traffic from Pinterest.
It didn’t just jump from 0 to 1,000 daily website visitors but from 0 to 20 then to 30 then to 40 and sometimes even 70.

The more pins I put out there on Pinterest, the more traffic I can generate.
So please have patience with your Pinterest marketing strategy. If you keep it up consistently and always improve it a little bit, you will reap the reward soon enough!
I hope this will help you to convert your Pinterest impressions into traffic, and I wish you much success with marketing on Pinterest!