Personal Development

11 Signs You Might Be Secretly Unhappy With Your Life

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Unhappiness is not always obvious, even to the unhappy person. Here are 11 signs you might be secretly unhappy with your life. 

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1. You obsess over other peoples lives more than you care about your own

As social creatures, we naturally care about other people and what goes on in their life. 

However, if you spend your days obsessing over reality shows, new Insta posts, scandals, pregnancy rumors, and more, you don’t have much time to think about your own life anymore. 

This lack of interest in yourself might be a sign you are secretly unhappy with your life. 

2. You sleep a lot … like A LOT

Sleep is important, and many people should actually try to get more sleep.

However, sleeping more than the necessary amount is a curious choice that can signal certain exhaustion and boredom with life. 

After all, if you’d love your life, you would try to live it to its fullest extent instead of sleeping it away. 

Preferring extra sleep over being awake can signify that you might secretly be unhappy with your life. 

3. You dedicate your entire energy and focus on a hobby/work, so you don’t have to think about the rest of your life

It’s easy to reason that your full dedication to a hobby/work is a sign of your passion and purpose. 

However, many people passionately adore their hobby/profession and still enjoy doing other things. 

Just like how you might adore wearing that one pair of sneakers but still decide to wear the other pair you like once in a while. 

That’s why it can be a sign you might be secretly unhappy with your life if you refuse to spend any time or thought on the rest of your life.  

4. You daydream constantly

Constantly dreaming about your dream life, or a fictional story is a strong sign you are unhappy with your life.

Don’t get me wrong; daydreaming can be an extremely fun activity that strengthens your creativity, imagination, concentration, and visualization. 

However, as with everything, you shouldn’t do it in excess.

5. Your days blend into one another, and time seems to pass slowly at the moment but fast in retrospect

We experience the passage of time very subjectively. Sometimes 60 minutes can seem like 3 hours, and other times like 10 minutes. 

If you feel like every day is a boring repeat of the previous day and looking back, you wonder how the year has passed by so quickly; it means you are not experiencing enough noteworthy moments that could have created memories. 

The more memories we make, the better we can assess time. 

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If the days blend in a boring dull, we lose the sense of time. 

Your feeling of time or rather lack thereof can therefore be a sign that you might be secretly unhappy with your life.

6. You’re surrounded by unhappy people

There is a certain interplay between you and the people around you. 

First, we are influenced by who we spend the most time with. I’m sure you’ve heard the quote about how we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. 

On the other hand, we attract the same energy we are living in ourselves. That’s one of the core ideas of the law of attraction. It means that unhappy people attract other unhappy people. 

After all, happy people most likely won’t want to spend time around downers. 

7. You complain, and complain, and complain some more

Some people just ALWAYS complain about absolutely EVERYTHING! 

It becomes apparent that there is more to this complaining than just a one-off when the person point-blank refuses to look on the bright side or logic. 

If you find yourself complaining often and not appreciating how the situation could have been much worse, this might be a sign you are secretly unhappy with your life. 

8. You have nothing to talk about or nobody you’d want to talk to about it

If you have nothing to talk about, it signals a lack of interests and passions in your life. And predictably, an interest-less life is almost bound to be an unhappy one. 

There can also be unhappiness in having passions and interests but nobody you’d want to talk to about them. After all, we are social creatures who want to share our life with others.

9. You don’t care anymore about things that used to matter a lot to you

Caring means something is important to us. If we don’t care about big aspects of our life anymore, it can be a sign that we are unhappy with them but have given up on improving them. 

10. You easily get angry

… at the person walking slowly in front of you, the government for not finding the (in your eyes) ‘perfect’ solution for every problem, that person with the annoying laugh, children playing a bit noisily, the traffic jam, the delay of public transportation, that fanfiction author who doesn’t update their fanfic, or at people who are just radiating happiness. 

If you were happy, you wouldn’t let these things bother you as much. Maybe you’d be annoyed, but in general, you would be much more understanding and empathetic instead of immediately losing yourself in a spiral of rage. 

11. You are pessimistic

You know how people say you shouldn’t go shopping when you are hungry, because you’ll buy too much? Or how you shouldn’t make any rash decisions while being ecstatic or angry?

That’s because our emotions impact how we think and view the world around us. 

That’s what they mean when they talk about the rose-colored glasses we wear while we are in love. 

If you are unhappy with your life, you will see everything as worse than it actually is. 

Do any of these signs apply to you? Don’t worry; just because one or the other applies doesn’t mean you are secretly unhappy with your life. 

This is only meant to raise some awareness. Don’t use it as a reason to overthink your entire life if you are usually happy with it. 

Until next time, Felicity Seeker!

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