Personal Development

11 Rules Of Success to Learn from Bridgerton

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There is a lot to learn from Bridgerton besides all the romance drama. Discover 11 rules of success from the period drama.

Read also: 11 Rules Of Success From Shadowhunters

1. Always hear others out

Yes, you may have the most experience and authority over a certain topic, but that does not automatically mean you know best. 

An almost unwavering rule for life is that you never know everything. 

So you should always hear others out on their opinion before disregarding them completely. 

Anthony thought he knew best when dealing with Berbrooke and disregarded Daphny and her mother’s ideas and opinions straight from the beginning. 

Luckily the women knew how to help themselves and solved the issue much better than the Viscount could have. 

So always hear others out. You don’t need to agree with them, but perhaps their opinions and ideas spark something in you. 

2. Be bold!

Eloise pushes Benedict to take advantage of his privileged position. She urges him to be bold with the power it gives him because at least he has the chance to do so. 

The same goes for you. If you are reading this, chances are very high you are among the very privileged human individuals on this planet. 

You probably have a stable roof over your head, warm meals on the table, the first world problem of feeling annoyed about school, and internet connection wherever you go. 

I could go on and on and on about all the things you most likely have that make you so much more privileged than others. 

If you start to look at your life that way, there suddenly really isn’t any excuse anymore for why you shouldn’t boldly go out into the world and create your dream life. 

If you want to build a business, go and start with something. Start a blog, a podcast, or a Youtube channel. 

And don’t tell me you don’t have the money to do so. Starting a business has never been as inexpensive as it is nowadays. If you have an iPhone, a Netflix subscription (I know you have, after all, you know Bridgerton!), and buy yourself Starbucks coffee, there really isn’t any valid excuse for you monetary wise. 

And if you say you don’t have the time, well, why are you watching Netflix? 

And if you’re scared of what others might say, do you need to let them know about your new project? I didn’t tell anyone, and it worked for me. 

As I said, there really are almost no excuses for people in our fortunate position. 

So be bold! Go out and create the life of your dreams! 

3. The opinions others have of you don’t define you

The Bridgerton is all about who thinks what about whom. It’s a constant fight for people, especially women, to appeal to others. 

And yes, what society thinks of the ladies does very much define their value in their suitors’ eyes and shape their future. 

However, thankfully our society has matured enough to distance itself from a marriage market like the one in the series. Therefore we don’t need to worry to such an extent about appealing to the public eye. 

However, what is still the same nowadays are individual people, be it family members, supposed friends, or bullies trying to diminish our value.

In the series, we can see flashbacks of the late Duke declaring his son Simon a worthless disappointment who will never fulfill his role as a Duke because of his stutter. 

It’s quite possibly one of the worst things one could ever hear out of their parents’ mouth, and it takes a lot of strength, even with a support system like Lady Danbury, to not let this become one’s self-image. 

But Simon proves that what his father thinks of him doesn’t define him. He grows up to be a handsome, eloquent, healthy, and overall capable young Duke. 

You have it in your hand to give others power over you by taking their words by heart. 

4. Don’t make things more complicated than they need to be

I love the Bridgerton scene in the drawing-room, in which Violet Bridgerton says to Daphne. “My dear, why ever do you complicate matters so? You must simply marry the man who feels like your dearest friend.” 

Because truly, Simon and Daphney complicate matters unnecessarily … and Anthony for that matter. 

But the series is very well justified to have unnecessary dramas in the plot since we include so much of it into our daily life. 

I’ve noticed repeatedly in my own life that I overcomplicate matters. It can be mundane things, from what should I eat or wear today to me wanting to learn something new but spending more time worrying about how to do it than it actually takes to learn it. 

Life can be so much easier if we’d just stop making it so bloody difficult all the time. 

Don’t obsess about the how of starting a blog. Simply start writing a bit of content daily and do a bit of research about setting up a website. 

That’s it. Literally, if you do not stand in your own way, it can be done in a matter of a few hours. 

One way to keep things simple and doable is to go with your first instinct. 

This can be in making decisions based on your first intuitive choice or starting something based on that first spike of sudden motivation.

For example, if you find yourself suddenly convinced that a Podcast is for you, then get out your phone and just start recording a practice episode before all the doubts and ‘what if’s’ kick in. 

Trust me, the more you learn to listen to your intuition and act before your mind can start to overcomplicate matters, the easier your life gets and the quicker you’ll get things done that aid your success. 

I believe it goes without saying that this does NOT include any grave and life-changing decisions. Don’t go out and sign any contracts simply based on your intuition. 

Those are things that reasonably are a more complicated matter. Although again, your intuition can be of help. So write down or remember your first intuitive response. It might be helpful later on. 

5. Privacy Is Power

Throughout the Bridgerton series, it is proven repeatedly that privacy is the most powerful asset of successful people. 

The Duke and Daphne keep their arrangement private. Marina Thompson keeps her pregnancy private. The Duke keeps his stutter private, and of course, Lady Whistledown keeps her identity secret. 

Privacy protects you. What others don’t know they can’t attack or use against you. 

In our social media world, many people share significant parts of their life freely on the internet for strangers to see. 

If you’re one of the few, who honors their privacy, you have an ace in your sleeve at all times. 

The most important thing is to consider how much you want to share with whom. If you set clear boundaries around that, you are already far ahead of everyone else. 

Read also: 11 Easy Ways To Honor Your Privacy

Related Post

6. Don’t draw hasty conclusions

Eloise is on the hunt for Lady Whistledown. Her research is ambitious and persistent. 

Yet, she quickly falls prey to hasty conclusions. 

First, the mysterious writer must be a servant, and next, she must be Madame Delacroix. 

Both times she was suddenly ripped out of her perceived discovery only to realize she had been wrong. 

The lesson here isn’t to avoid creating hypotheses. 

Instead, the lesson is to avoid falling in love with your hypothesis so much that you forget to prove it true. 

Keep on researching and consider opposing opinions. Allow yourself to think again and change your mind. 

7. Take the path less traveled

One reason why social norms stick so much is that they work for many people. They make them happy. 

However, just because most people like the path society has laid out for them doesn’t mean that you do so as well. 

In season 1 of Bridgerton, we get to see how Benedict discovers an alternative life for himself, much different from the life he always expected himself to lead. 

It takes a while for him to accept this different concept but the more he does, the freer and more fulfilled he feels. 

There could also lie happiness and success in a path less traveled for you. 

Have you ever considered it? 

Have you considered what it would be like not to get a degree but to jump straight into the working experience?

Have you envisioned what life could be like for you with your own business instead of a 9-to-5? 

And how about making a home for yourself in a different country? 

Besides the few paths traveled by the masses, there are endless options for you to discover. 

Be open and if some of them interest you, try them out. 

8. Think again

This has already been included in some of the previous points. Multiple Bridgerton characters had to think again and abandon some of their long-held beliefs to move forward.

It is essential for success to always course correct and adapts to challenges. 

The more flexible you are in your approach – without being a flip-flopper – the quicker you will achieve your goals. 

Read also: Think Again Book Review | 19 Lessons + Actionable Ideas + Quotes

9. Nurture your connections

Humans are social beings that live in societies. Naturally, connections are an important dynamic in our lives. 

I know that networking often sounds dreadful, and there is certainly a lot of this kind of networking going on in Bridgerton. 

However, the series also highlights the power of purer connections. 

It shows in the way Daphney as a new dutchess, supports her family after a scandal. 

It’s illustrated in the way Benedict keeps the secret of his acquaintance Granville. 

And it shows in the way Lady Danbury supports Simon and Daphney in their wedding plans. 

If you go out into the world and are open and friendly, you will always make new connections. 

Nurture these connections by giving first without aiming to receive. And should you ever need help, you have your network to rely on. 

10. There is always a way

Daphney got out of the seemingly hopeless affair with Berbrooke. 

Lady Whistledown manages to run the most widely read column in London as a woman and has managed to evade any attempts to reveal her identity. 

Simon has become an esteemed duke despite his childhood struggles. 

The Granvilles managed to save themselves from being restricted in listless marriages and have designed a life freer than many people can enjoy. 

No matter how hopeless a situation may appear, there is a way to turn things for the better in the vast majority of cases. 

Bridgerton gives splendid examples of how one can defy all odds and succeed through resourcefulness and perseverance. 

Learn from them and search for ways to improve what seems hopeless. 

11. Lack of knowledge leaves you vulnerable

Daphney and Eloise were rightfully angry at their mother for keeping them in the dark about the topics that every woman should know. 

Their lack of knowledge makes them weak in certain situations. 

They could fall prey to the lies others tell them about pregnancies, sex, and marriage because they don’t know better. 

They also can’t solve, let alone recognize problems that occur in these areas. 

Overall Bridgerton shows exactly why knowledge is potential power. 

It should be a lesson to all of us to never stop learning. 

I’m curious, how did you like Netflix’s Bridgerton? 

To be honest, the storyline didn’t excite me too much. However, I did love the characters, and that made up for the rest. 

Just because of the great characters, I went ahead and read the second book of the series. And let me tell you, it was hilarious! I truly loved it! 

Until next time! 


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