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We all want to have a great start to the new year. What better way to do that than by reflecting on the past year through journaling prompts and tuning your mindset for a fantastic new year!

The following Journaling prompts are designed to do just that.
So, take out your journal and pen. Find a quiet spot to sit down or get your headphones and listen to some binaural beats.
You want to take your time answering these questions.
They might seem insignificant or boring at first, but you never know when one might trigger a shift in your mindset.
So go ahead and enjoy your last or first journaling session of the year with these great prompts!
I’m looking forward to sharing a ton of valuable content with you next year!
Let’s make the new year one of the best yet!
Read also: 27 Journal Prompts To Reinvent Yourself
Read also: 9 Fun Ideas To Start Journaling Daily | How To Start Journaling
Journaling Prompts For The New Year
- On a scale from one to ten, how satisfied were you with these areas of life in the past year? (1) Health & Fitness, (2) Family & Friends, (3) Romantic Relationships, (4) Mindset & Emotions, (5) Finances, (6) Work & School, (7) Intellect & Knowledge, (8) Fun, (9) Contribution.
- List at least one small action you can take to improve each area of life this year.
- What were the best moments of the past year? What are you particularly proud of?
- Do you have any regrets about the past year? Make sure to vividly remember the worst moments of the year and then forgive yourself and/or others for them. Remembering these moments is uncomfortable, but it will make you feel much lighter and rid you of the emotional baggage before the New Year.
- Who did you spend most of your time with last year? Did you truly like spending time with them? Are they the kind of people your best self would spend time with? If not, how can you reduce your time with that person? What kind of people would you rather spend your time with?
- What were the things that made you happy? How can you do more of that next year? Write down concrete daily, weekly and seasonal activities.
- What were your biggest worries? Do they seem important now?
- Are you where you want to be in life? If not, what would you want your life to be like?
- How would a perfect day/week look like for you?
- What can you do in January/the first quarter of the year to get closer to that dream life?
- Are there any New Years’ resolutions you have set yourself over and over again? Do you truly want to accomplish them, or do you only think that’s what you should do? Break down the goal into the smallest steps possible and set these as your new goals.
- How will you track the progress on your goals? For example, set up weekly/monthly notifications for goal reviews; get yourself a goal tracker or dedicate a notebook to this purpose.
- What ten things are you grateful for looking back on the last year?
- What is your mantra for the New Year? Some examples: Grace and ease, confidence, calm, honest and real.