Personal Development

101 Questions To Ask Yourself (Daily|Monthly|Yearly)

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In this blog post, I will share some of the best questions to ask yourself daily, monthly, and yearly. These questions will help you reflect on different aspects of your life, such as your health, happiness, relationships, career, and personal growth. By asking yourself these questions regularly, you will be able to create a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Read also: How to Get Out of Your Head and Stay Positive

Read also: 101 Bucketlist Ideas to Have Fun and Create Memories

What is self-reflection?

Self-reflection happens when you pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, actions, and reasons. It is a way of looking inside yourself and seeing how you think, feel, act, and why. Self-reflection can help you learn more about yourself, change what you want to change, do what matters to you, and become a better person.

“We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.”

– John Dewey

Why is self-reflection important?

Self-reflection is important because it helps you form a self-concept and contributes toward self-development.

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  • Forming a self-concept: Your self-concept is your identity. It includes your thoughts about your abilities, beliefs, values, and relationships. Self-reflection helps you build and strengthen your self-concept as you change and grow as a person.
  • Contributing to self-development: Self-development is the process of improving yourself. It involves learning new skills, changing bad habits, achieving your goals, and fulfilling your potential. Self-reflection helps you identify areas for improvement and learn from your experiences.

The benefits of self-reflection have also been proven in various studies: A study by Harvard Business Review found that employees who spent 15 minutes at the end of the day reflecting about lessons learned performed 23% better after 10 days than those who did not reflect. Another study by the University of Surrey found that commuters who used their travel time to reflect on and plan for their day were happier, more productive, and less burned out than those who did not.

“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.”

– Margaret J. Wheatley

Tips for Self-Reflection

The best method for self-reflection is to ask questions. As so often in life, the questions are more important than the answers. Because as soon as you ask a question, you start thinking. We won’t ever get good answers if we don’t ask smart questions from a new angle. 

Daily Questions To Ask Yourself


  1. What did I learn yesterday, and how can I apply it today?
  2. What is one skill I want to improve, and what small step can I take toward that improvement?
  3. What limiting beliefs or negative thoughts held me back yesterday, and how can I reframe them today?
  4. What am I grateful for in my life right now?
  5. How did I step out of my comfort zone yesterday, and how can I do the same today?
  6. What personal goal or project can I make progress on today?
  7. How did I practice self-care and self-compassion yesterday, and how can I continue that today?
  8. What positive affirmation can I focus on throughout the day?
  9. What challenges did I face yesterday, and what did I learn from overcoming them?
  10. How can I contribute positively to someone else’s day today?


  1. What are the top three tasks I need to accomplish today?
  2. How can I break down my tasks into smaller, manageable steps?
  3. Am I prioritizing my tasks based on importance and urgency?
  4. What distractions do I need to minimize to stay focused today?
  5. How can I optimize my work environment for better productivity?
  6. Did I use my time wisely yesterday, and how can I improve my time management today?
  7. What tools or techniques can I use to streamline my workflow?
  8. How can I maintain a healthy work-life balance today?
  9. What progress did I make toward my long-term goals yesterday, and how can I continue that today?
  10. What can I delegate or ask for help with to lighten my workload?


  1. What made me happy and brought me joy yesterday, and how can I recreate or build upon that today?
  2. Have I taken time to do something I truly enjoy today?
  3. How can I practice mindfulness and be present in the moment?
  4. Did I connect with someone who uplifted me yesterday, and who can I connect with today?
  5. What positive experiences or beauty did I notice in my surroundings yesterday?
  6. How can I express gratitude and kindness to those around me today?
  7. What is something new or exciting I can explore today?
  8. Am I being kind and compassionate to myself, especially during challenges?
  9. How can I incorporate physical activity or movement into my day for a mood boost?
  10. What lesson can I take from yesterday’s setbacks, and how can I approach similar situations with a positive mindset today?

Monthly Questions To Ask Yourself


  1. What were my biggest achievements and accomplishments over the past month?
  2. What challenges or obstacles did I face, and how did I overcome them?
  3. Are there any habits or behaviors that I need to adjust or improve upon?
  4. How have I grown as a person over the past month?
  5. What did I learn about myself that I didn’t know before?
  6. Have I taken steps towards my long-term goals? If not, how can I recommit to them?
  7. What activities or experiences brought me the most joy and fulfillment this month?
  8. Have I been true to my values and priorities?
  9. What could I have done differently to make the past month even more successful and fulfilling?
  10. What am I proud of from the past month, and how can I build upon that momentum?

Goal Setting and Planning:

  1. What are my top priorities and goals for the upcoming month?
  2. How can I break down these goals into actionable steps?
  3. What resources or support do I need to achieve these goals?
  4. Are there any habits or behaviors that I need to let go of to make room for progress?
  5. What new skills or knowledge do I want to acquire in the next month?
  6. How will I hold myself accountable to my goals and intentions?
  7. What potential obstacles or challenges do I anticipate, and how can I prepare for them?
  8. What is my overall focus for the upcoming month? (e.g., self-care, career advancement, learning, etc.)
  9. How can I ensure a healthy work-life balance in the coming month?
  10. What will success look like at the end of the next month?

Gratitude and Reflection:

  1. What am I grateful for from the past month?
  2. How did I contribute positively to others’ lives during the month?
  3. What were the most memorable experiences or moments of the past month?
  4. How did I prioritize self-care and well-being over the past month?
  5. What lessons did I learn that I can carry forward into the future?
  6. Did I spend my time on things that truly matter to me?
  7. Have I celebrated my progress and achievements from the past month?
  8. How have I pushed my comfort zone and embraced new opportunities?
  9. What positive impact did I make on my personal and professional life?
  10. How can I bring a sense of gratitude and mindfulness into the upcoming month?

Yearly Questions To Ask Yourself

Learning and Personal Development:

  1. What new skills or knowledge did I acquire that enriched my personal and professional life?
  2. How did I embrace a growth mindset and seek out opportunities to learn?
  3. What books, articles, or courses had a profound impact on my understanding of the world?
  4. In what areas did I step into the role of both student and teacher?
  5. How did I leverage feedback and constructive criticism to improve myself?
  6. What areas of curiosity did I explore, and what did I learn from those explorations?
  7. How did I adapt to changes and emerging trends in my field or areas of interest?
  8. What did I unlearn this year, letting go of outdated beliefs or habits?
  9. How did I actively seek out diverse perspectives and viewpoints to broaden my understanding?
  10. How can I continue to foster a thirst for learning and personal growth in the year ahead?

Relationships and Connections:

  1. How have my relationships with family members evolved over the past year?
  2. What new friendships or connections have I formed that enriched my life?
  3. How did I nurture and strengthen my existing relationships?
  4. What role did empathy and active listening play in my interactions with others?
  5. In what ways did I contribute positively to the well-being of my loved ones?
  6. How did I create and maintain healthy boundaries in my relationships?
  7. What conflicts or challenges did I navigate within my relationships, and what did I learn from them?
  8. How did I show appreciation and support to the people who matter most to me?
  9. What acts of kindness or generosity did I extend to my social circle or community?
  10. How can I foster deeper and more meaningful connections in the year ahead?

Achievements and Goals:

  1. What were the most unexpected and delightful accomplishments of the year?
  2. How did I make progress toward my overarching life goals and dreams?
  3. What goals did I set and achieve that were entirely new or previously challenging?
  4. What contributions did I make to my community, society, or causes I care about?
  5. How did I elevate my performance and excel in various aspects of my life?
  6. What significant projects or endeavors did I bring to completion?
  7. In what ways did I leverage my strengths to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities?
  8. How did I navigate the balance between short-term achievements and long-term aspirations?
  9. What positive impacts did I have on the lives of those around me?
  10. How did I align my achievements with my values and principles?

Vision and Intention-Setting:

  1. What overarching theme or focus do I want to guide my year?
  2. What personal values and principles will guide my decisions and actions this year?
  3. What specific goals or aspirations do I want to achieve by the end of the year?
  4. How can I break down these goals into smaller, actionable steps?
  5. What skills or knowledge do I want to acquire or improve upon this year?
  6. What experiences or adventures do I want to seek out to enrich my life?
  7. How will I prioritize self-care, well-being, and mental health this year?
  8. What can I do to foster a healthy work-life balance throughout the year?
  9. What new habits or routines do I want to establish to support my goals?
  10. How can I align my personal and professional goals with a greater sense of purpose?
  11. What steps can I take right now to set a positive tone for the year ahead?

Here you go, 101 Thought-Provoking Questions for Self-Reflection and Future Planning. Remember, there’s no need to ponder all these questions every single day, month, or year. They’re versatile and can be swapped as you see fit, each offering profound opportunities for introspection. Feel free to engage with as many or as few as you’d like.

Yet, bear in mind that these questions only hold value when coupled with decisive action.

Until next time, Felicity Seeker!

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